Obama Imports 1,000 Syrians (Arab-Muslims) to the U.S.

In response to the Syrian War (USA-ISIS vs. Russia-Assad, a war we lost by the way), Pres. Obama has brought 1,000 Syrian “refugees” to Kansas City, Missouri.  (April 6, 2016.)  The President said he wants to increase this ten-fold.


Given the disastrous outcome of what happened when Europe opened its doors to the Muslim immigrants, it may seem to some that this defies logic.  In reality, Obama is only fulfilling his promise of “fundamentally transforming America.”  His goal is to bring in as many foreigners as possible to…

  • shrink the white-Christian-middle class he hates so much.
  • turn us into a welfare state.
  • grow the Muslim population to such an extent that we become Sharia law compliant.
  • CAR-Muslim-attack-machete Will this occur in the streets of our nation?

Even worse, there’s no doubt that some of the immigrants will be agents of ISIS.  Is another San Bernardino-style attack just around the corner?

Hello infidels!

What I recommend:  there are limits to what I can write without being thrown off this website; however, it’s up to us – the real Americans – to make the lives of foreign-born Muslims as uncomfortable as possible.  The Obama Administration is relying on us to be complacent and do nothing as the Muslim ghettos and mosques begin springing up all over the country.  We cannot allow that to happen.


To the far-left, those enablers who say, “We should welcome everybody,” I say, “What are you going to do when these invaders rape your women and children?”  It’s happening in Europe – why can’t it happen here?

Of all the countries in the world, 9/11 should have taught us something.  911fallingman

For some, they’ll never learn until it happens to them.

Text © 2016 – Ericreportsnews

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