This is who Muslims kill. Saffie Rose Roussos, 8 and Georgina Callander, 18.
May 22, 2017. Manchester Arena, U.K. – Ariana Grande concert. An explosive “nail bomb” exploded near an exit, killing 22 concert goers, injuring 59 more. The explosive was set off by suicide bomber, Salman Ramadan Abedi, an Islamic terrorist – son of Libyan immigrants. Pres. Trump referred to him as an “evil loser”.
The U.S. mainstream media did their best to avoid the obvious. Great Britain has had an enormous glut of Muslim “refugees” entering since Pres. Obama began his secret war with Syria. Just a few days before, the U.N. announced plans for at least 10,000 more Syrian immigrants to be let loose in this already beleaguered island nation.
How long is the civilized world going to put up with so-called “refugees”? In the past, the military fought the enemy. Today, we’re inviting them in. Make no mistake, what happened in England, will happen here. It will continue to happen until we stop allowing Muslim murderers into our country.
After the attack. the MSM predictably started with the same sad pictures, sad faces, gift baskets, flowered tributes and meaningless commentary. Is that what happened after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor? Should we have rushed out with the teddy bear tributes back then, instead of actually doing something?
We’re already at war with Islam – it’s just that many don’t want to face the reality of it. The Muslims know it. They think we’re cowards. The pacifist left will chant the same old mantras about “Not all Muslims are bad!” and “This is the new normal.” What about those innocents slaughtered, the people who just wanted to have a good time? What are you going to tell their families?
America may have reached its final chapter if the only protests we have are when Pres. Trump tries to block terrorists from entering the USA.
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