DNC/Hillary Clinton/Obama Funded Russian Dossier

When and with who did the Trump-Russia fake news story begin?  It all began when then candidate Donald Trump joked about asking the Russians to help find Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails.  Thus, Hillary’s quest to link Trump to Russia.

Top Democrats have lied all year about their own collusion with the Kremlin, making up stories about espionage and a rigged election.

Big question:  Where was this all headed?  HRC, believing she would be the next president, planned to hire people in the FBI, CIA, and the DOJ, who would have charged Trump with these rigged-election allegations.  Trump would have spent the rest of his life in court and perhaps even prison.

Now is the time for Pres. Trump and the Republican Party to completely obliterate the political career of Hillary Clinton.  She’s up to her neck in corruption.  She must be revealed, stripped of all powers and discredited.

Likewise, the “legacy” of our first foreign-born Muslim president should be placed carefully in the dumper.  Strike now, before there is any insane talk of Michelle, our former transgendered First Lady, runs for anything.

The loathsome Democrats have proven their disloyalty to our country by choosing the most vile and disgusting leaders.  Faced with “Making America Great Again”, they just can’t stand it.

Text © 2017 – ERN

ANTIFA linked with ISIS and al-Qaeda

Photo from Fellowship of the Minds

Far-left anti-Trump radical protest groups met with ISIS and al-Qaeda in Germany, discussing ways to destroy Trump’s presidency.  Bomb making and poison gas were key topics.  Link below.


Since Nov. 2016, I’ve written about the dangers of these domestic terrorist organizations.  What further proof is needed?

The MSM has either ignored or encouraged these angry mobs and they have fabricated an American “Nazi” Party.  (Code word for “Republicans”.)  Democrats cannot wash their hands clean of this – that “bloody spot” will always remain.

Text © 2017 – ERN

“Black Lives Matter” Worst Domestic Terrorist Group

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The fact that “Black Lives Matter” is now considered one of the most dangerous domestic terrorist groups by the FBI has been buried by the MSM.  According to FBI officials, they actively seek out police officers to kill.

Today we have the same breeding ground of hatred that existed in the late 60’s-early 70’s when another similar group existed:  the “Black Panthers”.

Image result for black panthers 1970, violenceImage result for black panthers 1970

Blacks have lost their leader Barack Obama.  Our former president could help dampen the flames of their rage.  Instead, he has encouraged them in his own special passive-aggressive way.  Along with failed candidate Hillary Clinton, they have bolstered a resistance group of trained thugs, augmented by easily duped college students.

Image result for black lives matter riot

Sooner or later, Pres. Trump will have to come down hard on this movement.  I’ve been saying this since the 2016 election.  It’s them or us.  It’s the law-abiding citizen vs. the Communist radical.  For now, Democrats may side with ANTIFA, BLM, et al, but will they when the skies turn black from their riots?  When cities burn?  That day is coming.

Text © 2017 – ERN

Hillary Clinton + Kate Upton = Movie Deal

In 2014, swimsuit model Kate Upton (known mainly for her “Sports Illustrated” covers) appeared as an actress in the film “The Other Woman”.

The Other Woman (2014 film) poster.jpg 

How’d that happen?  Lesbian Hillary made her prurient interests known and bedded Ms. Upton.  Pay for play.  You pay with your body, then you get to play act in a real movie.

I hope you can get the thought of those two doing it together out of your head.  

So, it’s not surprising that Mrs. Clinton waited five whole days to criticize Harvey Weinstein.  They both love to do it to beautiful women.

Text © 2017 – ERN

Hillary Clinton Funds Anti-Trump Super-PAC

The Resistance Really is Useless Now...

Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is using up to $1 million left over from her 2016 campaign to start “Resistance”, a political action committee designed to derail President Trump.  http://fox40.com/2017/05/04/hillary-clinton-to-launch-resistance-pac/   Additionally, she is funding “Onward Together” – a so-called resistance movement of left-wing agitators, professional thugs, rioters, protestors and marchers.  Their orders are to cause trouble, incite violence and complain about every Trump decision.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onward_Together

Opinion.  Although, HRC blames her election loss on James Comey, Russia, Bernie Sanders, “self-hating women”, “fake news” and Donald Trump, her hate campaign was flawed from the start.  The “now its time to have a woman in the White House” slogan wasn’t enough.  That woman must have good ideas.  Bringing in one million Muslims in her first year, having a war with Russia and turning our economy into a welfare state weren’t good ideas.

Many, including myself, believe Hillary’s “book tour” is really a trial run for another presidential run.  She’s testing the waters, so to speak.  If, in her delusional mind, she thinks she can win in 2020, she will run.

It also must be in her mind on how to exploit Bill Clinton’s death, if he dies before then.  The grieving widow routine.  “Vote for me – Bill would have wanted it that way.”  No, not even that, is off limits.

Despite all her desperate efforts to remain in the public eye, she’s forgotten one important thing.  Dems want to win this time.  As much as some would like to believe that she’d win, she can’t.  Her lies, her untrustworthiness, her own “crooked Hillary” nature, are too well known.

Don’t expect former VP Joe Biden to step aside this time.  If he’s got the balls (and I think he does), he’ll crush her ’20 campaign early on.

Text © 2017 – ERN

Stephen Paddock’s Accomplice – 2nd Shooter at Mandalay Bay

Image result for mandalay bay, broken windows

Initially, reports of multiple shooters during the October 1st-Las Vegas gunfire attack were reported.  This is confirmed by police audio recordings.

Image result for las vegas sheeidd  Day 2 – Las Vegas Sheriff Joe Lombardo(for whatever reason) angrily denounces this “conspiracy theory”, naming Stephen Paddock as the sole assailant.  A few days later, he is forced to say that Paddock couldn’t have acted alone.  Mounting evidence is proving there was an accomplice, very likely a woman seen with the killer at the casino-hotel.

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Marilou Danley and her fake wheelchair stunt.

It should be noted Marilou Danley, his live-in partner, was conveniently vacationing in the Philippines.  (And who the MSM moronically said, “knew nothing” about Paddock’s plans.)  Why is this woman taken at face value?  How could she be living in a state of oblivion for the last two years?

Strangely, police and Mandalay Bay haven’t released surveillance video of Stephen Paddock.  As anyone who has visited Vegas knows, hidden cameras are everywhere.

Proof of a second person in Mr. Paddock’s room is a Sept. 27 room service receipt naming two people.  (Note the receipt naming “GUESTS:  2.)

Image result for mandalay bay room service receipt for stephen paddock

Also, (and more importantly) gunfire experts have heard overlapping sounds of the rat-a-tat-tat, that is, two people firing at the same time.  With two windows broken out, this points to two shooters.  What if that second shooter was a woman?  What if she escaped right after the firing stopped?  (Perhaps, disguised as a maid.)  Who would suspect her?

Additionally, explosive material was found in the trunk of Paddock’s car, indicating a broader rang of attack.  Q.  Why would an older man, a successful gambler and businessman, be compelled to go on such a murder spree?  Why is the FBI ruling out Muslim terrorism?  This seems idiotic.  I cannot help but conclude there is a major cover-up going on, meaning the gov’t does not want this to be found out.  Instead, we hear reports of “angry white man” syndrome from the far left.  This is repeated, first by MSNBC, then CNN, then the major networks.  Absurd.

The police-the gov’t are clearly hiding the motive for this mass murder, I believe for political reasons.  The Obama years have spawned a neurotic need to whitewash the crimes of Muslim terrorists.

“Those who kill are not true Muslims.”

Obama and his minions have placed Muslims and those who are sympathetic to Muslim causes, in high government positions.  This is why I believe the FBI doesn’t want to release the identity of Paddock’s accomplice, if he or she turns out to be a Muslim.

Text © 2017 – ERN

Las Vegas Shooting: Muslim Connection, Another Sandy Hook

Oct. 1, 2017.  Route 91 Harvest Day Festival, located near Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino, Las Vegas.

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Mandalay Bay window broken out for sniper

Shortly after 10 p.m., 64 year old Stephen Paddock opened fire on a crowd from his 32-story hotel suite.  59 people were killed, 500+ wounded.  One hour and eighteen minutes after it began, Paddock took his own life after SWAT burst into his room.


Monday morning, the MSM scrambled for a motive.  Initially, “Univision” (a Spanish-language t.v. station), reported that Paddock had recently converted to Islam and that ISIS was taking credit for the incident.  Even Fox News mentioned this once.  Afterward, this was quickly changed.  The new motive was that Paddock had “gambling debts”.

Tuesday.  The MSM is forced to drop their false story when it turns out that Mr. Paddock is a wealthy man.

marilou danley marilou danley initially described as the female ...

Marilou Danley with Stephen Paddock

Stephen Paddock’s accomplice is Marilou Danley (name changed) a 4 ft. 11 inch Filipina with Australian citizenship.  She has two separate Social Security numbers.  A former casino worker, Paddock used her casino card to gamble that night.  A week before, Paddock wired $100,000 to the Philippines.  The Southern Philippines (Mindanao, Sulu Islands) are areas filled with Muslim terrorists known as the Abu Sayyaf.  The MSM hasn’t mentioned this connection, however.  Q.  Is the MSM covering up Paddock’s ties to Islam?  Does the gov’t fear a wave of anti-Muslim sentiment, if and when, it’s revealed Paddock was a fanatic?

PHILIPPINES Abu Sayyaf’s escalating violence due to ...

Abu Sayyaf

Democrats immediately seized upon the issue of gun control.  “Never waste a good crisis.”  With a Republican controlled Congress and Trump as President, it’s unlikely any type of gun control will be passed.  What will occur is that all major U.S. high-rise hotels will add X-ray machines and scanner (gov’t controlled) for “your safety”.

There were also murmurings from the left:  “that it was good mostly white people were  killed.  They must be Trump voters.”

Text © 2017 – ERN