“Politics isn’t like war. It is war.” President Lyndon Baines Johnson
On Nov. 8, 2016, voters rejected the status quo candidate named Hillary Clinton. Against all odds, Donald Trump stood against the devil and spit in her eye.

This was only the beginning. Since then, the enemy has sought to circumvent Trump’s presidency. (“Refusing to normalize,” as they call it.)
Examples of this are the Women’s March, ANTIFA, Berkley riots, shooting of Scalise, fake Russia probe, Mueller investigation, GOP Republican train crash, etc. The list goes on.
Charlottesville, VA. August 11-12, 2017. Riots break out between the far right and the far left. The MSM calls those on the right, “Nazis”.

No one knows what the future brings, but let’s examine one look into what might happen.
Election Year, 2020. Democrats once again convince themselves that their candidate will win hands down. After all the hoopla, conventions, debates, polling, commercials and rallies, Pres. Trump is re-elected. What do you think their reaction will be? To say Dems came unhinged in ’16, would be an understatement. In ’20, they will go insane. Provoked by the MSM fake news, there are many dangerous individuals out there who would see it as their “sacred duty” to stop President Trump by any means necessary.
Assassination? The presidential death curse by Indian chief Tecumseh. (Also known as the election year ending in the number “zero’ curse.) Every U.S. President since William Harrison has died in office, with two exceptions.
One. Pres. William Harrison, elected 1840. Died from pneumonia, 1941.
Two. Pres. Abraham Lincoln, elected 1860. Assassinated 1865.
Three. Pres. James Garfield, elected 1880. Assassinated 1881.
Four. Pres. William McKinley, elected 1900. Assassinated 1901.
Five. Pres. Warren Harding, elected 1920. Cause of death in dispute, 1923.
Six. Pres. Franklin Roosevelt, elected 1940. Fatal stroke, 1945.
Seven. Pres. John Kennedy, 1960. Assassinated 1963.
Pres. Ronald Reagan was nearly assassinated on March 30, 1981. Reagan miraculously recovered from a bullet wound, one inch from his heart. Who is to say God did not step in and save his life? Reagan himself believed this.
Election Year 2000. Who was the real winner? If the Supreme Court had not stopped the recounts, would then VP Al Gore have been elected President? Many say yes. If true, George W. Bush was not officially elected.
Election Year, 2020. If Donald Trump assumes office, once again, as many are predicting, the manic hysteria from the left will be at a fever pitch.
Can the Secret Service be trusted? If former Pres. Obama infiltrated various gov’t agencies with those who could be considered disloyal, would it be so hard to do the same with the Secret Service? Will they be given order to stand down in the event of an assassination attempt? If 9/11 could occur, as our gov’t feigns helplessness, would this aforementioned plot be made impossible?
Hypothetically, let’s suppose the unthinkable happens. What will the MSM report? That it was caused by Trump’s “hateful rhetoric”? That Democrats were pushed over the edge and couldn’t help themselves? What will be the reaction from Trump protestors? This, I can say without reservation. There will be celebrations in the streets. And if our President is killed, (unlike a former foreign imposter), then it will be time to bring them down.
Notice of warning to Democrats: if you’re stupid enough to cheer the death of Trump, prepare to suffer the consequences.
Text © 2018 – ERN
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