Ordinary, law-abiding citizens are being arrested for no reason. Why? For breaking “rules” established by local governors and mayors.
You can be apprehended if you don’t wear a mask, are outside on “non-essential” business or congregating in groups of ten or more.
There’s a limit on how much you can push people around.
The left and the MSM aren’t complaining, however. The longer the lockdown lasts, the better they like it. California’s Twitter hashtag – #3MoreMonths.
One day, there’s going to be violence. You can’t expect Americans to sit home all day like a bunch of babies. And what has the left become? A bunch of spoiled, rotten infants who don’t want to work, then sit home all day accepting government checks.
Work gives people a sense of purpose. Shutting everything down takes away our value system.
I watched the “Today” show for five minutes and couldn’t believe what I was hearing. The generic talking-heads happily smiling, saying “This is our new normal,” and “It will go on forever.” Then, they got some kid, bundled him up in a mask, gloves and plastic coat, so he could hug his grandparents. STAGED.
Where is all this going? After the controllers have played out the forced isolation and house-arrests, Bill “Dr. Mengele” Gates will come out with his “magic” vaccine full of God-knows-what. He admits there will be “tracers” and “living organisms”.
That will be the breaking point.
(C) 2020 – ERN