January 8 – January 20, 2021. Pres. Trump is stripped of all military powers by Gen. Mark Milley and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. This is based on the supposed belief that Trump would start a war to stay in power. (Pelosi had been attempting to do this for some time.) In other words, the so-called “insurrection” of Jan. 6 really occurred on the 8th – by Democrats. Treason and sedition. But, you’ll never hear about it on the facist MSM.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Gen. Milley
All of this happened over the stolen election of 2020 which, according to the Dems/MSM was “the first honest, above-board election with no cheating in U.S. history.” https://conservativefighters.org/news/ballots-in-pennsylvania-were-found-in-the-trash-they-were-all-votes-for-trump/

Ballots found in trash – all were votes for Trump in Pennsylvania.
When dim Dems lose, it’s because of “disenfranchised voters” i.e., minorities not allowed to vote. No explanation as to why or how.
Since Biden took control, many have asked “Who’s running this country?” The answer is, not one single person, but which group helped establish Barack Obama as a presidential candidate? THE WEATHER UNDERGROUND aka THE WEATHERMEN. (A domestic terrorist group known for bombing federal buildings. Their intent? To destroy the USA from within, then rebuild it as a Communist superstate. Obama, a closet America-hating, foreign born, Islamic fundamentalist, was perfect for them.)
If we had a real press, Obama would’ve been investigated and never allowed to run. His connections to the founder this terrorist group -Bill Ayers – can’t be disputed. Ayers would ghostwrite Obama’s autobiography “Dreams of My Father”.

2021: Fake Pres. Joe Biden has picked up Obama’s mantel.
In just a short eight months, America has begun its rapid decline. Inflation, recession, border crisis, millions of illegal aliens flooding in, a lost war in Afghanistan, arming the Taliban, forced vaccinations and Dems spending trillions of dollars in a pork-barrel scam: the Green New Deal.
Republicans think they’re going to turn this around in the next elections. How? If the Dems stole it in 2020, what’s going to stop them in 2024?
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