For those who’ve seen the helicopter video of Anne Heche being transported from the house, ask yourself, why is her face covered up as if she’s already dead? Where are the oxygen tanks? As a paramedic, the first thing I’d do is put her on a Venti-mask giving her pure oxygen. Instead, she’s covered up like a corpse.
And now for the big surprise – Heche, who can’t breathe, springs up like a Jack-in-the-Box and then is shoved back down into the ambulance… the last time we’d ever see her. (Victim was “sedated” by ambulance workers.)
Initial reports stated that “Anne Heche” is in stable condition.” What happened after that? Were “they” forced to say it because of the video showing Ms. Heche obviously alive? What if the big surprise hadn’t happened? Would the MSM have declared her dead at the scene of the car crash? [See “Wag the Dog” when the media creates the news.] What made Anne Heche go from stable to critical condition in one day?
There’ve been some erroneous reports of the late actress appearing in a documentary about Jeffery Epstein. She did appear in a TV-movie for LIfetime called “The Girl in Room 13”, wherein her daughter is forced into prostitution (sex trafficking.)
The burned-out wreckage of the car probably makes it impossible to examine it for sabotage. It’s my belief the “Mini-Cooper” was programmed, controlled-remotely to reach speeds of 100 mph and wouldn’t stop.
The MSM writes these facts off as “conspiracy theories” when the reality is they know more about what really happened than they’re allowed to say.
Text ©2022 – ERN