



Gia Carangi
First of the 1970’s American super models, appearing on the covers of Vogue and Cosmopolitan. Died from AIDS thru transmission from a contaminated needle.
Life dramatized in the HBO film “Gia” (2000), starring Angelina Jolie.
Angelina Jolie as “Gia”
Jessica Alba
Paris Hilton
Amanda Seyfried
Reese Witherspoon
Angelina Jolie
Halle Berry
Sandra Bullock
Avril Lavigne
Kylie Minogue
Christina Aguilera
Miss America dumps swimsuit competition
In 1921, the Miss America beauty pageant began as a bathing beauty contest. As of now, it’s been discontinued.
The contest, long targeted by feminists, is now being run by women. The Me-Tooer’s and other fanatical groups have always hated Miss America. This move will eventually dismantle it. The result will be declining ratings. Men will have no reason to watch. People who disagree should read a book about biology.
Former FoxNews hostess Gretchen Carlson is one of the women behind this malcontent. Ironically, she was a former winner. (I’m not sure why.) Carlson is known for suing Fox’s CEO Robert Ailes – sending him off into retirement.
The evening gown competition has also been canceled, replaced by “women wearing what they feel like.” Why not a smelly sweatshirt and stained yoga pants?
I suspect feminists will also target Miss USA and Miss Universe.
Is this an end of an antiquated tradition? Or are feminists throwing a wet blanket over the proceedings. And will the contest be decided on politically-loaded questions, designed to remove anyone who isn’t PC enough?
Text © 2018 – ERN
Elizabeth Hurley
Salma Hayek
Renee Zellweger
Uma Thurman
Anna Nicole Smith
Cindy Crawford
Jenny McCarthy
Brittany Murphy