Never Forget

Before the election, top Democrats were promising (or threatening) to force government regulations on social media, especially X.  According to them, “misinformation and hate speech had to be dealt with.”  Hillary Clinton suggested criminal penalties.  There was talk of jailing Elon Musk.  Kamala Harris and Tim Walz were ready to implement censorship, if elected.

The First Amendment was in danger.  Here you had top gov’t officials revising our right to free speech.  They were saying that if the government says it isn’t true, then it isn’t true.  This is straight out of George Orwell’s “1984”.

You saw what they did to Julian Assange of WikiLeaks.  Hillary Clinton herself wanted a drone strike on Assange for leaking information on the Clintons.

2024 saw Trump’s residence raided and searched.  The current President-elect was indicted and arrested.  If that wasn’t enough, he was shot at on July 13th and nearly again on Sept. 15th.

The MSM wants you to believe these were the actions of “lone wolves”.  Consider the timing.  Trump is nearly killed twice, once right before he’s made the official nominee.  Both assassins supported the war in Ukraine.  So does Biden & Harris.  So does BlackRock, Inc., America’s prime investment company who profits from a continued war.   That profit is in the trillions.

Post-Election.  Over and over, Trump said, “Make it too big to rig,” and that’s what happened.  Every state Kamala Harris won was a state that didn’t require voter I.D.

Cheating.  No explanation as to why there’s such a discrepancy between Joe Biden and Kamala Harris vote totals.  10 million votes?  Where’d they come from and why didn’t they vote for Harris?  Or is this proof the 2020 election was stolen to the tune of 10,000,000 votes?  Also no explanation as to how Kari Lake (AZ) and Sam Brown (NV) could lose their Senate races in states where Trump won.  Even California had a surge of Trump votes, not enough to win, but enough so that the votes were still being counted a week after election day.  (The longer the vote count, the more the cheating.)

After Trump takes office, there needs to be a reckoning of the Democratic Party.  Did they have a role in trying to assassinate Trump?  Was the 2020 election stolen?  The top players include Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Joe and Jill Biden.  Every one of them knows what happened and why.

Yes, Pres. Trump won by a landslide.  But, how close did it come to not happening?

Text © 2024 – EricReports

Election ’24-Will they Steal It?

1960.  Kennedy vs. Nixon

If you know anything about American politics, you who they are.  The Democrat Party has, as far as I know, attempted to steal elections since 1960.  [Kennedy vs. Nixon.]  Nixon lost by 112,827 votes, 49.55% to Kennedy’s 49.72%.  Most of the cheating occurred in Illinois where Kennedy prevailed by only 8,858 votes.  Karma being karma, Kennedy’s administration ended by an assassin’s bullet on 11-22-63.

2000.  Bush vs. Gore

The next election in dispute was 2000:  Bush vs. Gore.  George W. Bush would win by 537 votes in the key state of Florida.  VP Al Gore won the popular vote, but Bush won the electoral college 271 to 266.   Gore would contest the election by having the three most liberal districts in Florida recounted.  Bush’s lead prevailed.  Gore wanted another recount.  The Supreme Court finally stopped it and Bush became the 43rd POTUS.

2016.  Trump vs. Clinton

2016.  Donald J. Trump won the electoral college vote (304 to Hillary Clinton’s 227.)  Hillary won the popular vote by 2,868,686 votes.  Mrs. Clinton lost the election due to her lack of appeal in the rust belt and by offering nothing to white working class men.

2020.  Biden vs. Trump

2020.  Democrats learned from their mistakes of 2016.  Widespread cheating took place in all of the swing states.  The Covid drop-off ballot required no address verification, meaning the opportunity for counterfeit ballots was used and taken.  Dominion voting machines wrongly counted votes for Biden instead of Trump, in one case totaling 3,000 incorrect votes counted for Joe Biden.  Poll watchers were blocked.  The use of dead voter names counted.  Boxes of ballots suddenly appeared from under tables and in the trunks of cars.   Voting was stopped, then restarted with ballots marked with Biden’s name only.

Although Trump would receive more votes than any other Republican candidate in U.S. history, (74,223,975) he still lost by Biden’s 81,283,501, a record win.  This seems incredible since Biden is considered the least intelligent of all of our former Presidents.

2024.  Trump vs. Harris

2024.  Karma returns.

Biden bid for re-election ended on July 21, 2024.  This followed his disastrous debate performance on June 27th and a near assassination attempt on former Pres. Trump on July 13th.  Because of Biden continued mental decline, Democratic leaders threatened to remove him with the 25th Amendment.   The President was replaced by VP Kamala Harris who received no votes and no delegates.  (The idea of an open convention was scrapped.)

Early voting results show Trump leading.  Again, there’s continued trouble with Dominion voting machines which won’t cast votes for Trump.  Lawsuits in the courts – Republicans want voter I.D.. and hand counts, Democrats don’t.  California passed a law where no voter I.D. is required.

I cannot predict who will win.  In a free and fair election, it would be Trump.  But, Democrats have done virtually everything to stop him including two attempted assassination attempts.  Republicans best chance:  Make it too big to rig.  Text © 2024 – EricReports

Hillary Not Running/Dow Falls 500 Points

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Former failed candidate Hillary Clinton announced that she’s not running for President in 2024.  Of course, Mrs. Clinton’s word is about as bankable as a Confederate dollar.  If it’s true, its because she was told not to run by the DNC.  There are various reasons why she can’t run.

Hillary’s Health – In 2013, HRC suffered a stroke (ignored by the MSM).  After effects led to blackouts, confusion and convulsions.

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Sore Loser – The Great Satan Hillary continues to grouse about her loss, saying Pres. Trump stole the election with Russia’s help.  The reason Clinton lost was because the Dems cheated in the wrong states.  They learned their lesson and stole the 2020 election in all the battleground states.

Libya – “We came, we saw, he died!”  (laughs)

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Only Hillary Clinton could arouse sympathy for an Arab terrorist leader like Muammar Gaddafi.

Conspiracy Theories or Conspiracy Facts?

The news stories about the former First Lady and Sec’t of State linger.  Vince Foster.  Jeffery Epstein.  Waco.  Payoffs from Arabs states.  Stealing most of the money sent to the Haiti relief fund under the guise of the Clinton Foundation.  Her marriage of convenience with Bill Clinton.  A lesbian double-life.

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Huma Abedin, the honey pot spy.

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Hillary ogles Christina Aguilera

2024.  Who will be the leading Democratic candidate for President?

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I say, Kamala Harris.  To those who doubt it, she has more going for her than the vegetable Joe Biden.

One.  Kamala Harris would be the first female Prez.

Two.  Kamala Harris is a woman of color.  Big check mark for the Starbucks-drinking-Apple MacBook toting-pseudo-intellectuals.

Three.  Kamala Harris is 57, not exactly young, but compared to Biden, she is.

Four.  Kamala Harris pretends to be African-American and so far, her fakery has worked.

Five.  The MSM will cream all over her.

Hillary Clinton obviously has more experience and despite her age, she hasn’t lost her marbles yet.  It must eat at her to see people like Biden and Harris, (mental midgets), running the world.

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The Dow Jones average fells 500 points today.  The Biden Administration continues to snow-job the American people; however, the recession is here and it’s not going away.  The left who still blame Trump and call this slump transitory, need to get off Willy Wonka’s magical boat ride.

Our current fake President should be impeached by the soon-to-be Republican-controlled House of Representatives.

Text © 2022 – EricReports


Major news networks have stated they will not report on Trump’s victory on Election night; and will not validate his win until further notification.

For those who remember, back in 2016, the MSM waited three hours to call it for Trump- finally being forced to when the AP/NY Times did.  Twitter has also followed this trend, saying any tweet that proclaims victory will be tagged.

What is this really about?  It’s the DEMOCRATS who aren’t accepting the results of this election.

If Trump wins,  watch what happens.   Wait for boxes and boxes of “missing ballots” appearing out of nowhere- all for Biden,  of course.  The fake mail in ballots have a 7 day extension period for counting.   In this extra week,  the Dems have more opportunities to cheat, something they have no guilt about  –  as long as they win – they’d sell their own grandmother.

Citizens, we’re witnessing the theft of a federal election.   The DNC never accepted Trump as president.   They began their campaign against him the day after he was elected.

Empty-suit Biden- the walking mannequin-  is a frontman for the far-left and he will be slowly eased out of control,  if elected.  It was Kamala Harris all along (backed by Hillary Clinton. )

Text (C) 2020 – EricReports

“Inside Edition” MSM NWO

See the source image  “Inside Edition”, formerly an entertainment news program, has regressed into an “Obey Big Brother” tool for the globalists.  There are constant reminders to “stay at home” and “shelter in place”…world government propaganda…talk of a future vaccine for all…how doing nothing helps your community…”be compliant”…criticize protestors…overblown death statistics and fake news.

The cheery, chipper hostess Deborah Norville cheeps out advice – an empty mannequin mouthpiece.  I truly believe she’s never had an original thought in her life.

“Inside Edition” is by no means serious news; however it does have its audience…an audience made to believe lies and experience fear over an illness no different than any other.

The collapse of our free market economy, of our very way of life, will kill more people than Covid-19 does.  But, Democrats see this as a good way for more government-imposed control.

The Great Satan Hillary Clinton already commented (with an agreeing Joe Biden), to “Never waste a good crisis.”

(C) 2020-EricReports


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On Feb. 15, Democratic candidate and former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced that he would “consider” choosing failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as his running mate.  A few days later, Mrs. Clinton said she would accept if Bloomberg became the nominee.


It’s no secret that if the leading candidate hasn’t enough delegates at the Dem Convention, it may become a brokered convention.  Ordinarily, you would think the candidate with the most delegates would automatically become the nominee – however – the DNC, which helped steal the nomination away from Sen. Bernie Sanders in 2016, will most likely do the same in 2020.  Pundits are already predicting Bernie Sanders doesn’t have the 1,990 delegates to qualify.

Are the primaries merely a charade?  Will the DNC choose their own favored candidate, i.e., Bloomberg/Clinton?  And why would Bloomberg be crazy enough to trust Clinton knowing her past?

 Actor James Woods commented on Twitter…

“When the only thing separating #HillaryClinton from the presidency is your heartbeat, start writing your will…”
Text © 2020 – ERN

$50 Million Lawsuit against —-Hillary Clinton (Tulsi Gabbard)

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Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (HI), is suing Hillary Clinton for defamation of character because of comments she made last October, saying Ms. Gabbard was a “Russian asset”.  Tulsi, who is also running for President (D), states that HRC has held a grudge against her since 2016, when she backed Bernie Sanders, instead of her.

Additionally, Gabbard brought down Sen. Kamala Harris last July, during a debate.  (Hillary was backing Sen. Harris.)

The lawsuit makes clear that Hillary hasn’t brought forth any evidence proving her theory.  Mrs. Clinton also claimed Green Party leader Jill Stein secrets works for the Russians.

Hillary, who had recently plastic surgery done on her face, is also promoting a new documentary film of her life, which coincidentally comes out during the Democratic primaries.  Many feel (including myself), that HRC is planning to run again, by ruining the chances for front-runners Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden.

“H” has said that Sanders is partially responsible for her 2016 defeat for not backing her earlier and in a recent interview said “Nobody likes Bernie and no one wants to work with him.”  (meaning the Washington establishment “swamp”.)

Text © 2020 – ERN

Tulsi Gabbard Tears Hillary C. a new ass hole

Hillary R. Clinton, the biggest cunt in today’s politics, the Satanic bitch who thinks she runs the DNC, made the stupid mistake of going after presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard.

On Thursday, Oct. 17, on David Plouffe’s podcast, Mrs. Clinton gave her latest conspiracy theory:  that Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian agent working with Trump, a pawn of Putin.  What spurred this on?  Three reasons…

One.  Tulsi destroyed Sen. Kamala Harris during the July 31st debate.  Clinton backed Harris.  (Ironically, Tulsi’s poll ratings have risen to 6%, one point over the fallen Harris , now at 5.)

Two.  Shortly before Oct. 15’s debate, Tusli released an ad stating that the DNC was corrupt and stole the 2016 presidential nomination from Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Three.  Tulsi wants to end the war in Syria.  Hillary wants to start a new war and depose Assad.

War Hawk Hillary Armed Jihadist Killers in Syria -- Has ...Is the Syrian War About to Experience a Major Escalation ...

Hillary Clinton is part of the New World Order

Pres. Trump recently announced his decision to pull U.S. forces out of Syria, citing the plans of our military industrial complex for future wars in the Middle East.  (NWO – New World Order.)

Oct. 18 Twitter.  Tulsi Gabbard went on the offensive finally being the first Democrat in the race to go after their worst sacred cow:  Hillary Clinton.

Official 114th Congressional photograph of Tulsi Gabbard
Tulsi Gabbard

Great! Thank you @HillaryClinton. You, the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long, have finally come out from behind the curtain. From the day I announced my candidacy, there has been a …… concerted campaign to destroy my reputation. We wondered who was behind it and why. Now we know — it was always you, through your proxies and …… powerful allies in the corporate media and war machine, afraid of the threat I pose.
It’s now clear that this primary is between you and me. Don’t cowardly hide behind your proxies. Join the race directly.

What is Tulsi Gabbard’s future?  Many in the Democratic Party are hoping neo-liberals such as Joe Biden or Elizzabeth Warren will drop out and that there’ll be a Bernie Sanders-Tulsi Gabbard ticket.  This may be a long shot because of Sanders age and recent heart attack.  Unfortunately, the MSM (aided by the CIA) have become enemies of Rep. Gabbard, taking sides with Hillary Clinton, echoing her HRC’s talking points.  If Tulsi runs again in 2024, these after-effects may remain.

Text © 2019 – EricReports

Biden Out, Hillary In

Drudge Report keeps it classy, responds to Joe Biden’s announcement with sexist swipe at Hillary ...

Despite Trump’s successfully presidency, Dem leaders are doing everything they can to remove him from office.  They know they can’t win the 2020 General Election – not with the list of losers they have.

The elephant in the room:  Hillary Clinton herself.  You know she wants to run again.  She has never officially given up on the idea of running again and I believe she will run again, if Trump is impeached in the House of Representatives.  (I don’t believe he will be impeached by the Senate.)  Assuming this happens, Joe Biden will be forced out as there is already evidence of his “Quid Pro Quo” agreement in the Ukraine, regarding his crooked dealings with his son, Hunter.

I’m also predicting that both Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren will be forced out.

The Great Satan Hillary has never stopped running against Donald Trump.  I’ve been saying this since 2017.  LINK

What is she waiting for?  HRC thinks (as I do) that Pres. Trump will be impeached by the House.  (The same as her husband.)  Following this, the MSM will go ape-shit, saying “Trump is disgraced, he must step down, blah, blah, blah…”

Hillary is already appearing on talk shows with her message:  “Donald Trump is a clear and present danger.”  (Stolen from Tom Clancy’s novel.)  Nothing has changed about her.  She still has that aura of evil.

I must say – the American people will not be fooled.  It’s already coming out (on the Internet, not the MSM), that the Russian collusion story originated with her.  Likewise, the CIA whistle-blowers who ratted-out Trump are Clinton operatives.

Pres. Trump needs to make his case clear before the people.  He must explicitly say there was wrongdoing in the Ukraine by Biden & Son and he must prove it.  Fortunately, there is a 2018 video of Joe Biden himself bragging before the CFR about how he the Ukrainian Federal Prosecutor (Viktor Shokin) fired – the man investigating his son energy firm “Burisma”.  All in exchange for one billion dollars in gov’t aid.

Additionally, Trump needs to replace Rudy Giuliani as his lawyer and hire the best law firm money will buy.  The longer he waits, the worse it gets.

Stop giving out information the enemy can use.

Some of you reading this will call “H” running for president a “conspiracy theory”; that it will still be Biden or Warren.  You know what?  I hope I’m wrong.  But, I’m not.  Just as cancer sometimes returns, so does Hillary Clinton.

Text © 2019 – EricReports

Hillary Clinton Next Supreme -Court Justice?

Hillary Clinton: Hillary Clinton wants to create the most liberal Supreme Court in h...  EricReports Exclusive-In March 2016, Pres. Barack Obama nominated Merrick Garland to succeed the deceased Judge Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court.  Most likely, if Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies before the election, the Democrats will do the same.  Let us also assume that somehow Donald Trump was not re-elected as President of the United States.  Who would the Democrats choose to succeed Ginsburg, if she dies by then?

The reality is:  Hillary Clinton expects political payback for whomever wins the presidency and that payback would be a seat on the Supreme Court.  Forgotten by most, it was she (as then First Lady), who ordered Pres. Bill Clinton to chose Ginsburg in 1993.  Over 25 years later, the great Satan Hillary plans to replace her in 2021.  This, she feels, would be suitable revenge on those who denied her the presidency in 2016.

Text ©2019 – EricReports

Leaked!-Hillary Clinton working with Kamala Harris

Fusion GPS on Flipboard | Hillary Clinton, Christopher Steele, Donald Trump Jr


EricReports exclusive:  Sen. Kamala Harris is being backed by failed 2016 candidate Hillary Clinton…right down to the black suit.

Proxy candidate California Senator Kamala Harris has inherited Hillary Clinton’s campaign team and is desperately trying to catch up, being stuck in a distant 4th place at five percent.

Back in the July 27 Democratic debate when VP Biden crumbled from Harris’ charges of racism (on busing and working with segregationists), it was Hillary who coached her to do so.

Tulsi Gabbard Wrecks Kamala Harris Over Abusive Prosecutorial Record

July 31.  Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard tore down Sen. Harris who had been climbing in the polls, charging her with political corruption, hypocrisy, prison slave gangs, prosecuting those who smoke marijuana while smoking it herself and outright lying.  Since then, the DNC has made new rules, excluding Gabbard from the September debates.  (Proof HRC still controls the DNC.)

Harris/Hillary have joined forces together in her dirty trick campaign – now against Socialist Bernie Sanders – walking out of his speech chanting “It’s time to put a woman in the White House.”

What’s Next?  While Sen. Harris said she’s going after Pres. Trump, come debate time, expect more unwarranted attacks against the front-runners.

The DNC have worked themselves into a fever pitch, hysterical at the prospect of another four years of Pres. Donald Trump.  With the candidates they have, that’s exactly what’s going to happen.

Text © 2019 – EricReports

Jeffrey Epstein: Another Name to Add to the Clinton Death List

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On August 10th 2019, the body of Jeffery Epstein was found dead in his prison cell.  Why does this matter?

Jeffrey Epstein:  billionaire and leftist-Democratic donor was in jail for his involvement with underage prostitutes – prostitutes he provided for the rich + famous.  (The most famous being former President Bill Clinton, who visited Epstein’s resort 26 times.  Clinton said it was only 4.)

He owned his own island “Little St. James” (known as “Orgy Island”)…Those he brought there on his “Lolita Express” private jet.

For years, this has been discussed on alternate news websites and the tabloids, but the MSM has stayed far, far away from it.

Once jailed, Mr. Epstein became a major liability and a danger to the Clinton Machine.

You may ask:  Why would the Clintons care now?  Aren’t they out of power?  Don’t kid yourself.  Hillary Clinton still wants to be the president and has her own plans.

Presently, the top contenders amongst the Democratic nominees are:  former VP Joe Biden, Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Socialist Bernie Sanders.  If elected, Sanders would be 80 years old upon taking office.  Forget it.  If Biden is somehow taken out of the equation for health reasons (cancer, heart attack, stroke) or worse, sexual allegations, he would be out.

That leaves a very weak candidate, Elizabeth Warren, who most believe has little chance at beating Pres. Trump.

The Democratic National Convention 2020.  A “Draft Hillary” movement begins, started by her own people.  She makes a deal with Warren as her vice-president.  There you have the ultimate female ticket – two women vs. two men.  Who do you think women will vote for?

If Jeffrey Epstein had outed Bill Clinton as a chronic sex abuser of young girls, wouldn’t it follow that Mrs. Clinton knew all about it?  Thus, the Clintons plan to retake the White House would be spoiled.

Many questions have been asked about how Jeffery Epstein could have killed himself.  Why were the guards sent away?  Why were all the video cameras turned off?  Why was he taken off of suicide watch?  Did he try to kill himself in July or was he attacked?  AND THE BIGGEST QUESTION OF THEM ALL:  WAS EPSTEIN ABOUT TO MAKE A DEAL AND NAME NAMES TO AVOID PROSECUTION?

The MSM wants no part of these questions.   Whatever FBI investigation occurs won’t find anything.  The MSM knows full well Epstein’s involvement with the Clintons, except they don’t want to talk about it.

When J. Epstein was arrested, I had great hopes he would finally blow the whistler on the Clintons, bringing their empire down to a crashing halt.  This was his chance to do that.  Why didn’t he?  Did he think he had a chance to make it out of prison alive?  He must have.  What were the last two weeks like for him?  He must’ve known he was in grave danger.

While the lying MSM said back in July that he tried to kill himself, how does this make sense?  This attack was a message:  “Don’t talk.”  I suspect Epstein was about to.  That’s why he’s dead.  And that’s why Hillary Clinton’s aspirations to be the president are still very much alive.

Text © 2019 – EricReports

Hillary Clinton Stole Nevada — Twice!

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Facts and evidence prove Democratic candidate Hillary R. Clinton knowingly and criminally maneuvered electors away from Bernie Sanders during the Nevada caucus.

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Hillary Clinton Stole Nevada!

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Crooked Hillary – The Most Corrupt Politician in American History

Election Day, 2016. In a barely reported incident, at Nevada polling stations, a busload of Hispanics (illegal aliens) was allowed to vote for two hours past the legal scheduled times.

It appears that it was a coordinated effort between the DNC who directed those who wanted to vote “after hours”. Shortly thereafter, Hillary Clinton won this swing-state.

Let’s examine the facts. HRC lost all of Nevada except for Clark and Washoe Counties.

Nevada Presidential Election Results 2016.svg

Hillary’s blue, Trump’s red

Mrs. Clinton won by the slimmest of margins, 2.4%

This was soon forgotten because of Trump’s unexpected electoral college victory. But, should it have been?

Since Trump took office, HRC has launched an unrelenting campaign against the President, trying to have him removed from office.

What if this busload of unregistered foreign voters could be traced back to Camp Hillary? Shouldn’t there be an investigation as to where this bus came from and why these people were allowed to illegally vote? Who funded them?

Currently, Dems are conspiring to have President Trump impeached for absurd and trivial reasons while Hillary Clinton’s thievery and election fraud are ignored.

Text (C) 2019 – EricReports

If Hillary Runs Again…

The sad fact that Hillary Clinton may run for president again has finally crept into the mainstream media.  (I’ve been saying it for over a year.)  Naysayers deny it by saying, “She’s too old, too ill, past her prime, the DNC doesn’t want her, etc.  Frankly speaking, if Hillary’s head were kept alive in a bottle of formaldehyde, she’d still run.  (And if you don’t vote for her, you’re a bigot – a bigot against disembodied heads!)

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The MSM will have to make a choice.  Will they back her or geriatric Joe Biden?  My prediction – it will be Clinton.  The MSM won’t be able to resist the “Rematch of the Century” headlines.  Yes, they know she looks awful, her health’s deteriorating, and she has the charm of a rattlesnake, but the Dems will overlook it.  They’re good at that.

Recently, Steve Bannon, Trump’s former right hand man, was harassed in a bookstore, by a psychotic woman who called him “a piece of trash.”  It turns out, the mystery woman is one of Clinton’s operatives.  If Clinton is paying a staff of thugs to go after Trump’s people, that means she’s running.

Important Note:  Never put your guard down around Mrs. Clinton.  We’re talking about America’s worst crime family.  She has no reservations about killing her enemies.

from saboteur365wordpress

Hillary is obsessed about getting even with Trump.  She thinks about it 24 hours a day.  She can’t get over it.  By 2020, she’ll be out campaigning in the rust belt, maybe in a wheelchair.


Pres. Trump has a number of advantages.  In ’20, he could pass a voter I.D. law or take other measures in stopping the rampant cheating Dems do every election.  He could invalidate all votes from illegal aliens.  He could place surveillance cameras in voting areas.  I would also recommend no presidential debates.  Trump has nothing to gain from them.  No matter what happens, the MSM will say she’s won.  HRC will cry “Chicken!”  Let her.  She’s still a loser.

What do I take away from this?  HRC doesn’t care that she’s putting this country through hell.  She wants to be president and that’s all there is to it.  The thing of it is, she can’t win.  She’s spoiled goods.  She stinks.  And 2020 will be the final nail in the coffin of her political career.

Text © 2018 – ERN

Left’s Plan for Revolution (Future War Pt. 2)

How will it begin?  What will be the trigger for a Communist uprising from the new far left?  Is it mere hype and rumor or the real thing?

There are serious plans for such an event.  How far will it go?

In the past, such traumas were borne in 1968, (MLK and RFK assassinations, riots, Dem. convention), 1992, (L.A. riots), 2016, (Trump’s election), could have led to an upheaval.  What’s different now?  The MSM continually feeds into the already disordered thinking of those who want Trump removed from office.  It won’t stop there.  Frustrated by their failed attempts to impeach Pres. Trump, the radical left will move on to more drastic plans.


Hypothetically, (or maybe not), Democrats will not be willing to wait out another four years.  It’s worth mentioning that top leaders within the Dems could’ve stopped this.  (I’m speaking of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.)  The fact is, they didn’t want to.  On the contrary, they fanned the flames of discontent.

The far left plans to kill Trump and then launch a full-scale overthrow – a Communist-style revolution.

The usual suspects:  ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, Communist/Socialist orgs, illegal aliens, Muslim groups, college radicals and feminists, certain Hollywood celebrities.

What if foreign troops become involved?  China?  Various anti-American countries from South America?  How far will this go?

I believe with a new President, Mike Pence, it will be time for him to launch a military attack on those who threaten our very way of existence.  If Pence acts quickly, any foreign interventions will be stillborn.  I am very serious in saying that there is no other way of dealing with these people, except by brute force.  The National Guard won’t be enough.  You’ll see tanks rolling down Wall Street.


While leftist extremists envision a red flag flying over the White House, that will never happen.

Questions remain.  If the worst happens, we, the real Americans cannot allow the Democratic Party to plead “Not Guilty.”  If that day ever comes, and we ask who and why Mr. X pulled the trigger, le me say, it came from the actions of those on the very top.

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Hillary Clinton’s continual “campaign” against Trump, her inability to accept defeat, her insane quest for revenge, her fictionalized account of a Trump/Russian stolen election, have led some to believe that somehow she should be president.  These plans and her fanaticism will be heightened if, God forbid, she runs and loses again.  HRC would be directly responsible for the worst case scenario earlier described.

Text © 2018 – ERN

Anthony Bourdain: Murder/Suicide?

See the source image  On June 8, chef Anthony Bourdain, host of CNN’s “Parts Unknown” was found hanging in the bathroom of his 5-star Parisian hotel.

ILLUMINATI SACRIFICE? – To become famous in the entertainment industry, you have to sell yourself to some pretty evil people.  The higher up you go on the food chain, the more you find out.  Rich people are into some sick things.  (PizzaGate, Pedophile Island.)  Did Mr. Bourdain find out something he shouldn’t have?  Were they afraid he was about to talk?  If so, the MSM won’t go near it.  Case closed.

See the source image   Asia Argento, an actress and also a litigant against Harvey Weinstein, was Bourdain’s girlfriend at the time of his death.  A few hours before his suicide, she posted an Instagram photo.  What is the significance of this?

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Mr. Bourdain publically tweeted about the hypocrisy of Hillary Clinton, who pretended to know nothing about the sexual proclivities of Harvey Weinstein.

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Article’s text (C) 2018 – ERN

The Future War

“Politics isn’t like war.  It is war.”   President Lyndon Baines Johnson

On Nov. 8, 2016, voters rejected the status quo candidate named Hillary Clinton.  Against all odds, Donald Trump stood against the devil and spit in her eye.

This was only the beginning.  Since then, the enemy has sought to circumvent Trump’s presidency.  (“Refusing to normalize,” as they call it.)

Examples of this are the Women’s March, ANTIFA, Berkley riots, shooting of Scalise, fake Russia probe, Mueller investigation, GOP Republican train crash, etc.  The list goes on.

Charlottesville, VA.  August 11-12, 2017.  Riots break out between the far right and the far left.  The MSM calls those on the right, “Nazis”.

No one knows what the future brings, but let’s examine one look into what might happen.

Election Year, 2020.  Democrats once again convince themselves that their candidate will win hands down.  After all the hoopla, conventions, debates, polling, commercials and rallies, Pres. Trump is re-elected.  What do you think their reaction will be?  To say Dems came unhinged in ’16, would be an understatement.  In ’20, they will go insane.  Provoked by the MSM fake news, there are many dangerous individuals out there who would see it as their “sacred duty” to stop President Trump by any means necessary.

Assassination?  The presidential death curse by Indian chief Tecumseh.  (Also known as the election year ending in the number “zero’ curse.)  Every U.S. President since William Harrison has died in office, with two exceptions.

One.  Pres. William Harrison, elected 1840.  Died from pneumonia, 1941.

Two.  Pres. Abraham Lincoln, elected 1860.  Assassinated 1865.

Three.  Pres. James Garfield, elected 1880.  Assassinated 1881.

Four.  Pres. William McKinley, elected 1900.  Assassinated 1901.

Five.  Pres. Warren Harding, elected 1920.  Cause of death in dispute, 1923.

Six.  Pres. Franklin Roosevelt, elected 1940.  Fatal stroke, 1945.

Seven.  Pres. John Kennedy, 1960.  Assassinated 1963.

  Pres. Ronald Reagan was nearly assassinated on March 30, 1981.  Reagan miraculously recovered from a bullet wound, one inch from his heart.  Who is to say God did not step in and save his life?  Reagan himself believed this.

  Election Year 2000.  Who was the real winner?  If the Supreme Court had not stopped the recounts, would then VP Al Gore have been elected President?  Many say yes.  If true, George W. Bush was not officially elected.

Election Year, 2020.  If Donald Trump assumes office, once again, as many are predicting, the manic hysteria from the left will be at a fever pitch.

Can the Secret Service be trusted?  If former Pres. Obama infiltrated various gov’t agencies with those who could be considered disloyal, would it be so hard to do the same with the Secret Service?  Will they be given order to stand down in the event of an assassination attempt?  If 9/11 could occur, as our gov’t feigns helplessness, would this aforementioned plot be made impossible?

Hypothetically, let’s suppose the unthinkable happens.  What will the MSM report?  That it was caused by Trump’s “hateful rhetoric”?  That Democrats were pushed over the edge and couldn’t help themselves?  What will be the reaction from Trump protestors?  This, I can say without reservation.  There will be celebrations in the streets.  And if our President is killed, (unlike a former foreign imposter), then it will be time to bring them down.

Notice of warning to Democrats:  if you’re stupid enough to cheer the death of Trump, prepare to suffer the consequences.

Text © 2018 – ERN