Never Forget

Before the election, top Democrats were promising (or threatening) to force government regulations on social media, especially X.  According to them, “misinformation and hate speech had to be dealt with.”  Hillary Clinton suggested criminal penalties.  There was talk of jailing Elon Musk.  Kamala Harris and Tim Walz were ready to implement censorship, if elected.

The First Amendment was in danger.  Here you had top gov’t officials revising our right to free speech.  They were saying that if the government says it isn’t true, then it isn’t true.  This is straight out of George Orwell’s “1984”.

You saw what they did to Julian Assange of WikiLeaks.  Hillary Clinton herself wanted a drone strike on Assange for leaking information on the Clintons.

2024 saw Trump’s residence raided and searched.  The current President-elect was indicted and arrested.  If that wasn’t enough, he was shot at on July 13th and nearly again on Sept. 15th.

The MSM wants you to believe these were the actions of “lone wolves”.  Consider the timing.  Trump is nearly killed twice, once right before he’s made the official nominee.  Both assassins supported the war in Ukraine.  So does Biden & Harris.  So does BlackRock, Inc., America’s prime investment company who profits from a continued war.   That profit is in the trillions.

Post-Election.  Over and over, Trump said, “Make it too big to rig,” and that’s what happened.  Every state Kamala Harris won was a state that didn’t require voter I.D.

Cheating.  No explanation as to why there’s such a discrepancy between Joe Biden and Kamala Harris vote totals.  10 million votes?  Where’d they come from and why didn’t they vote for Harris?  Or is this proof the 2020 election was stolen to the tune of 10,000,000 votes?  Also no explanation as to how Kari Lake (AZ) and Sam Brown (NV) could lose their Senate races in states where Trump won.  Even California had a surge of Trump votes, not enough to win, but enough so that the votes were still being counted a week after election day.  (The longer the vote count, the more the cheating.)

After Trump takes office, there needs to be a reckoning of the Democratic Party.  Did they have a role in trying to assassinate Trump?  Was the 2020 election stolen?  The top players include Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Joe and Jill Biden.  Every one of them knows what happened and why.

Yes, Pres. Trump won by a landslide.  But, how close did it come to not happening?

Text © 2024 – EricReports

Reagan vs. Biden

Pundits (MSM, et al) have been commenting for some time that Pres. Ronald Reagan had Alzheimer’s Disease during the second term of his Presidency.  This is a false claim and always has been.  Reagan’s diagnosis occurred in 1994.  Unlike Joe Biden, Ronald Reagan submitted to cognitive tests while President at the behest of the Democrats and he always passed with flying colors.

Biden, on the other hand, has refused to take any cognitive test for obvious reasons.

As further proof, the above video is of Pres. Reagan at the 1992 Republican Convention:  FOUR YEARS AFTER HIS PRESIDENCY.

Below the Reagan video is Biden’s September 10th 2023 press conference in Vietnam.  Compare the two.

I myself, saw Pres. Reagan speak in person, back in 1989.  He was as sharp as a tack, making more sense than Biden ever has.

Biden’s mental decline has and will continue to become more pronounced.  His inability to lead and continued self-confessions that he’s only “following orders” is proof Biden is a fake president, led by other unelected forces.

It should be made mandatory for this and any other president to submit to tests which demonstrate his mental powers.  This should go hand-in-hand with the Republicans impeachment of Biden in the House of Representatives.

Joe Biden is unfit to be president.  He is a potential danger to us, if and when he ever decides to launch some type of military attack on a foreign country or any perceived enemy, real or imagined.

70% of Americans believe Biden should not seek a second term.  If Biden’s mental health were made known to the public, most would demand he step down for the good of the country and stop being forced to campaign as “the safe candidate who beat Trump.”  Trump is not the enemy and the adults in the room know this.

The enemy is from without and within.  It is from those who seek to “fundamentally transform” us.  It is from those foreign powers who have declared us as their enemy – the same regimes the Democrats want to make friends with.  Radical Islam, Iran, Syria, Somalia, Nigeria, Yemen, Egypt, Pakistan, Libya, Mali and Iraq – all Arabic terrorist nations.  While China, North Korea and Russia pose their own threats – if WWIII begins – it will begin from Muslims who continue to view us as the Great Satan.

You think democrats/liberals are intolerant now? Just you wait. – Freedom Is Just Another Word…

Barry Explains Cloward-Piven StrategyKYFHO

If Biden isn’t running the country, who is?  With Biden’s cabinet filled with Obama appointees, including VP Kamala Harris, the truth is clear.  We are living under a proxy presidency.

Text © 2023 – EricReports

Failure in Afghanistan Allowed -to Happen

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Joe Biden is president in name only.  A deal was made.

2020.  Dems decide they cannot tolerate another four years of Trump as president.  Among the poor list of candidates to choose from Biden is picked as “the safe choice”.

Election Day.  He wins through manipulated “mail-in ballots” in all the swing states.

Joe Biden is aware he is chosen, not elected and that he must go along with the plan.

Biden is assigned handlers – a staff who instruct him on what to say and what to do.  This means the presidency belongs to others.  Who?


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Feb. 2020:  Former Pres. Trump signs a deal with the Taliban for U.S. forces to be out by May 1, 2021.  Biden doesn’t fully honor this deal.  He extends the withdrawal date to Sept. 11.  Because of the date change, tribal warlords and the Taliban have time to coalesce.  This is used as proof America doesn’t honor its commitments.  It’s also relayed to the Taliban that Biden is weak, indecisive and unable to do anything without the approval of his handlers.  Most U.S. troops are withdrawn.  Collapse is imminent.  Pres. Ghani flees from Afghanistan.

The last phone call between Ashraf Ghani and Joe Biden has been accessed by news agency Reuters.

Idiot Biden with traitor Ghani

Billions of dollars of military equipment is left for the Taliban who take over in ten days.

Biden and his team try to cast blame on others, saying this was “expected”.  It is too much, even for the mainstream media (MSM) who condemn his failed actions.  What can Biden say?  That he was only following orders?

While Joe Biden and his VP Kamala Harris (chosen for him by Barack Obama) try to laugh it off, the August 26 suicide bombing is nothing to joke about.

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Americans killed Aug. 26th in ISIS-K suicide bombings.

Biden refuses to extend his Aug. 31st deadline, admitting Americans will be left behind.  Why is this allowed to happen?  In the future, a ransom will be paid for those hostages – more money for the Taliban.

Need it be said that Team Obama works for Islamic fundamentalists?  Wasn’t it former Pres. Obama who gave billions in gold to Iran for their nuclear program?  (Supposedly for peaceful purposes.)  LINK

When Trump was president, ISIS shrank, the caliphate dissolved, Muslim terrorist attacks in the U.S. ended.  Now, all that is being reversed.  You can blame it on Biden’s age or incompetence, but ask yourself, if Biden wanted to invade Canada, do you think they would let him?  He is a figurehead for something much more evil and monstrous.

Text © 2021 – EricReports

Twin Towers replaced with a tribute to Islam

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After the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were destroyed by al-Qaeda, the question was “What shall we build to replace it?”  There were many suggestions.  Some said build it back exactly the way it was.  Lease holder Larry Silverstein said build four towers of the same height.  A few said leave it empty, because nothing could replace it or the lives that were lost.

Instead, we got the One World Trade Center.  (Originally called the “Freedom Tower”.  The name was changed because the word “freedom” offended the Muslim community.)

Big question.  Why didn’t George W. Bush rebuild it when he was president?  Wouldn’t that have helped his approval ratings, especially in his second term?  The reason why is – Bush knew what was replacing it – a tribute to Islam.

If you’ll remember, for years, people said, “If we rebuild the Twin Towers, won’t the terrorists knock it down again?  What shall be done?”  Closet Muslim President Barack Obama would approve of the new edifice.

What proof is there that the One World Trade Center has anything to do with Islam?

40 Mind-Blowing Quotes From Barack Hussein Obama On Islam And Christianity

Muslim leaders were involved in the planning stages.

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One of the main reasons the Twin Towers were chosen for destruction – a belief from the Arab world that the towers were symbolic of a penis – and that America was bragging that it had two.

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Post 9/11 symbolism:  The One World Trade Center – [the Arab penis] and the former Twin Towers [two gaping holes, an anus and a vagina.]

Reading this, you may not want to believe it, but most other cultures are centuries old, and have ancient beliefs in symbolism.


Obama signs the final beam for the new One World Trade Center – “We remember, we rebuild, we come back stronger!” Acronym = WWW  (World Wide Web)  – Future tracking system for the VeriChip – a GPS hand implant that can locate you wherever you are.


Hebrew lettering W = 6. Three sixes. 666. Mark of the Beast. Revelation 13:16-18 16And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Obama and others have expressed interest in his permanent establishment as leader of the United Nations.  If something ever happened to the USA (nuclear war, e.g.), what would replace us as the world leader?  The U.N.

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Barack Obama address the United Nations.

Were the Twin Towers built to fall?  Were they designed for destruction to help usher in the Beast system?  Was it somehow known from the beginning that early in the 21st Century, our President would begin a “War on Terror”?  That he would be followed by a president who would help spread Muslim immigrants all over the world?  Will all of this culminate in a final showdown between Islam and the Western world?  WWIII?

Text © 2018 – ERN

DNC/Hillary Clinton/Obama Funded Russian Dossier

When and with who did the Trump-Russia fake news story begin?  It all began when then candidate Donald Trump joked about asking the Russians to help find Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails.  Thus, Hillary’s quest to link Trump to Russia.

Top Democrats have lied all year about their own collusion with the Kremlin, making up stories about espionage and a rigged election.

Big question:  Where was this all headed?  HRC, believing she would be the next president, planned to hire people in the FBI, CIA, and the DOJ, who would have charged Trump with these rigged-election allegations.  Trump would have spent the rest of his life in court and perhaps even prison.

Now is the time for Pres. Trump and the Republican Party to completely obliterate the political career of Hillary Clinton.  She’s up to her neck in corruption.  She must be revealed, stripped of all powers and discredited.

Likewise, the “legacy” of our first foreign-born Muslim president should be placed carefully in the dumper.  Strike now, before there is any insane talk of Michelle, our former transgendered First Lady, runs for anything.

The loathsome Democrats have proven their disloyalty to our country by choosing the most vile and disgusting leaders.  Faced with “Making America Great Again”, they just can’t stand it.

Text © 2017 – ERN

A Word About Muslims

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As commentator, I’m no longer going to comment on or analyze every Islamic terrorist attack, because these events have become daily occurrences.  Following these massacres, the MSM is already out there with their slogan “Hate won’t win.”  More flowers, teddy bears and candlelight tributes.  What do you want me to say?

Currently, we don’t have the right stuff to win the War on Terror.  By that, I mean, the will to defeat the enemy.  The Muslims have it.  We don’t.  That’s why they’re winning.

On the plus side, we have Pres. Trump, but he’s being neutralized by the Democrats, the MSM and the RINOs.  I don’t know how much he’ll accomplish.  Not enough, I’m sure.

Many have said that it will take another 9/11 t0 wake us up again.  I don’t think so.  The only thing that would make Americans realize we have an enemy is a nuclear attack.  Obama has made sure that Iran is capable of it. 

Much of Europe is already learning what happens when you dump a bunch of blood-thirsty, murdering psychopaths into their lands.  England, Germany, France, Sweden, Holland, Italy, Norway, Denmark – they’ve all been contaminated.  As for Germany, they’ve left their WWII concentration camps standing.  I’d advise them to keep them open for the enemy within.

When I see the millenials, I am disheartened.  They truly don’t seem to know what’s happening.

While a nest of Muslim rattlesnakes curls up around them, they’re too preoccupied with selfies, cellphones, being the cool kid and voting Democrat because they’re not Republican.  While they worry about transgender rights, Islam is plotting their demise.

Europe is about ten years ahead of us with this Muslim epidemic.  No doubt, it’s coming this way.  I wish I could write a happy ending to this story, but I can’t.

Text © 2017 – ERN

muslim terrorism AGAIN

Police have identified Khuram Shazad Butt, Rachid Redouane and Youssef Zaghba as the three attackers in the Saturday rampage.

The muslim London Bridge murderers

London Bridge, June 3, 2017.  Seven dead and forty-eight people were injured when three muslim (lowercase deliberate) terrorists rammed their van into pedestrians.   Afterward, the men jumped out of their van and began stabbing people with hunting knives.  “This is for Allah,” they said.  The killers have been identified as Khuran Shazad Butt, Rachid Redouane and Youssef Zaghba.  All three were shot and killed by the police.  I watched the MSM news when this happened and not one of them would dare to say “This is muslim terrorism.”  Instead, they referred to them as “attackers”.  Attackers?  This is third rate journalism.  What are they attacking for?  Are they part of a terrorist network?  What are their names?  On the other hand, I turned on the radio (a Fox station) which immediately stated, what we all knew.  More muslim terrorism.

Obviously, the MSM are doing a massive cover-up job for islam – at the behest of their former president Barack Hussein Obama.  (Trump is not their president.)

The Brits are a tough people, but keeping a stiff-upper lip isn’t enough.  England, you have invited the enemy into your midst.  Now they are killing you.  What should the British citizenry do?

First, get rid of London’s muslim mayor.  How or why the delusional left would elect Sadiq Khan, I don’t know, but as long as this scumbag resides as a gov’t official, they are officially screwed.

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Secondly, stop importing muslim rape-you-gees into your country.

Third, start deporting any muslim who breaks the law.  I don’t care how minor the infraction.  If it’s spitting on the sidewalk, that’s enough.

These are common sense solutions.  Will they ever be implemented?  When terrorist events start occurring on a daily basis, maybe.

Text © 2017 – ERN

America’s Done.

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Robert Mueller (left) Special Prosecutor hired by DOJ to investigate Trump-Russia election connection. Occurs nine days after Trump fires FBI director James Comey (middle.)

When ANTIFA marched against Trump committing acts of violence and the President did nothing about it, I knew we were in trouble.

Initially, Trump had the power to do anything and that includes rolling out the tanks.  Once his enemies saw that he was weak, once they heard Trump say the Clintons were “nice people” and that he’d “accept Obama’s council”, it was over.

The left continue to push back and the right sit there and take it.  I WARNED YOU THIS WOULD HAPPEN.  I SAID THE STREETS SHOULD BE COVERED IN BLOOD.

Now, the MSM gets to talk about impeachment for the next three years.  They have no interest in finding the truth.  They hate the truth.

Trump should’ve had Obama and Clinton on the run, hiding in a foreign country.  Instead, they’re on TV, laughing at him.

Whether Trump is impeached or not, his agenda has been derailed.  If you, the Trump voter had any guts, you’d be swarming all over Washington, D.C.  You’d put fear in the hearts of Democrats.  But, like 1974, you’ll wear sad faces, sit home and watch television.  You will see a gradual takeover of our land by the usual suspects:  Socialists, Communists, anarchists, Muslims.  And you will see “Let’s Make America Great Again” die its painful death.

Text © 2017 – ERN

Trump Fires Comey – MSM Goes Nuts

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May 8, 2017.  Pres. Trump fired FBI director James Comey for “not doing a good job” and for his failure to indict Hillary Clinton in 2016.  Comey had found Clinton “grossly negligent and careless with top secret classified documents,” yet failed to recommend prosecution for that or for her deletion of over 33,000 emails.  Nevertheless, CNN and MSNBC went on the rampage, comparing it to Nixon’s Watergate and the “Saturday Night Massacre” (the firings and/or resignations of Archibald Cox, Elliot Richardson and William Ruckelshaus.)

The MSM proclaimed (with a straight face) that Trump fired Comey because he was coming “too close to the truth!”  [Based on their theory of Trump colluded with the Russians during the DNC hacking scandal.]  There’s just one thing wrong with their theory.  THERE IS NO INVESTIGATION OF TRUMP BECAUSE THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF WRONGDOING.  The MSM is flat-out lying.

Reality check:  Hillary Clinton colluded with the Russians, selling them uranium and then pocketing the money for the Clinton Foundation.  I wrote about this when it happened.  //

The MSM is silent, however.

Q.  Why didn’t Obama fire Comey when he renewed (then dropped) his investigation of HRC right before the election?  A.  Mutually Assured Destruction.  The FBI must have had damaging evidence on Obama.

The MSM is being spurred on by Obama, whose “legacy” is being spoiled by Trump and by Hillary Clinton, who will never get to be the first female Commander-in-Chief.

What should Trump do?  The President needs to do a full-on investigation on Obama and Clinton.  They are still dangerous enemies.  HRC has announced her plans to organize and fund a “resistance group” against Trump.

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“Resist, insist, persist, enlist!” Hillary quote from the candidate who doesn’t know she lost.

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click headline to enlarge

Obama is already guilty of bugging Trump and his staff, leading to the firing of Gen. Flynn (the most anti-Muslim cabinet member DJT had.)  Q.  How is it okay for Obama to bug his enemies and not Nixon?

Additionally, it’s been rumored that Obama intends to become the permanent leader of the U.N.  Now is the time for Trump to out Obama before this happens.  The world cannot survive a radical, Marxist Muslim terrorist sympathizer as U.N. chief.

Text © 2017 -ERN

The Better Marriage: TRUMP or OBAMA?

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Scandal magazines and the MSM have criticized the President and the First Lady with the angle that “something must be wrong with the Donald and Melania.”  In other words, they no longer co-habitate.  (No proof of this, however.)  Other FALSE rumors are that Barron Trump is autistic and that Melania and her stepdaughter Ivanka hate each other.

Well, let us briefly examine the marriage of Barack and Michelle Obama.

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Barack likes chicks with dicks.

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If you want to believe the official story, the controllers who were grooming Barack to be president, knew his lack of female championship looked funny, so they hooked him up with Michelle Robinson, part of the “old maid brigade” in Rev. Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ.  Since Michelle packs a king-size shlong, it’s not surprising that he/she was an old maid and not surprising why a closeted Obama would like her.

You might ask:  If Moo-chelle is a man, how is it possible for she/he to have children?  Let me ask…

How is it possible for the two daughters to have NO resemblance to the mother?  Image result for images of sasha and malia obama as adults

How is it possible for there to be not one photograph of Michelle pregnant?

Where are the newborn baby pictures?  Are you telling me they couldn’t afford a $5 throwaway camera?

The answer is adoption.  For those wanting to believe the official documentation, let me remind you:  the CIA is more than capable of inventing false identities and phony birth certificates.

The MSM either knows or doesn’t want to know.  It was made clear in 2014 that when Joan Rivers died less than two months after saying Obama is gay and Michelle is trans, this is the price you pay for telling the truth.  Text © 2017 – ERN

Autopsy (2014) Season 4, episode 3.  Video by Lynn Dunn on YouTube.

Obama has Released Rapists into our Country

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The MSM would have you believe that former Pres. Obama only brought 10,000 Syrian “refugees” into the USA.  The facts are the numbers could reach as high as one million.  I want all of you to go to your favorite search engine and start looking up the new rape cases appearing.  The MSM is trying to cover it up; non-MSM websites might have it.  You will notice incidents that are horrifying.  Gang rapes, rapes of little girls and old women – the most defenseless.

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I ask:  “WHERE ARE THE FEMINISTS?”  “You elected Barack Obama, who dumped that human refuse on us.  What are you going to do when the rapists come after you?”

Instead, these “3rd wave” women’s lib lunatics are marching on Washington – against President Donald Trump – who tried to stop the immigration.  The purple-haired, navel-pierced, pussy-hat-wearing psychos have an enemy.  It is the white man who built this nation.  There’s an old saying:  “You reap what you sow.”  You dump a million, illiterate, America-hating, Muslim militants into our heartland – and “You will reap the whirlwind.”

Text © 2017 – ERN

War in Syria: Obama’s Trap

April 7, 2017.  Pres. Trump launches a missile attack on a Syrian airbase in retaliation for a supposed Sarin gas attack Assad used on his own people.  What doesn’t add up here?  Why was this attack a mistake?  I believe former Pres. Obama is setting up Trump for a losing war.  I don’t believe the U.N. has any proof on Assad, other than doctored evidence designed to start a war Obama’s people want.

Did the USA win anything in Iraq?  It cost over 1.1 trillion dollars, there are half a million dead Iraqi’s and ISIL has claimed part of it.  What was gained?

What about our undeclared war in Libya, now a haven for terrorists?

2013:  Pres. Obama nearly declares war on Syria and is forced back by Russian Pres. Putin.  Putin told Obama he would reveal the truth on his foreign citizenship, if he attacked Assad.  Obama hates and fears Putin.  That’s why he can’t stand Assad.  They’re on the same side.  There are few world leaders who weren’t fooled by Pres. Obama’s high-handed “charm” or his peculiar world view on Muslim terrorism.

Obama could not care less about children being gassed.  His real goal was to establish a caliphate run by the Muslim Brotherhood.  If anything, it was ISIS who used nerve gas on the Syrian children:  poison gas they received from the U.S. gov’t.  Who do you think okayed that?

2016:  Trump repeatedly promises we are not going to war over Syria, if only to prevent WWIII with Russia.

April 5, 2017.  AP reporter Julie Pace asks Pres. Trump if Assad has crossed his “red line”.  WHAT RED LINE?!!!  The red line was Obama’s, NOT Trump’s.  And Trump falls for it!  That reporter should be sent on a one-way trip to Devil’s Island for goading us into war.

Trump needs to stop any further military actions against Assad.  He has already jeopardized our relationship with Russia, who by the way, could vaporize us with their nuclear weapons.

There are some who think we should support the President no matter what.  You do realize that if the U.S. gets caught up in another losing war, Trump won’t be re-elected, right?  Obama-Clinton-Schumer-Pelosi are all out to get Trump, regardless of the consequences and regardless of how much it hurts America.

Text © 2017 – ERN

Malia Obama Twerks, Smokes Weed/Hillary’s Non-Concession

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7/30.  Malia Obama, 18, youngest daughter of the former president, was caught on video, doing the do at the Lollapalooza festival in Chicago, Ill.

3/27/17.  The Parlor, Soho, NYC.  Additionally, Miss Obama was hustled out of a bar/nightclub after threatening a conservative reporter named Lucian Wintrich who Tweeted, “Malia Obama just scolded me at a club NYC.  Not joking.  She started saying “I wanna punch that dude in the face!”  (Malia is three years under the legal drinking age and was visibly intoxicated.)  The MSM chose to ignore this news story.

Image result for hillary clinton crying  Election Night 2016:  Midnight.  Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was restrained by Secret Service agents after physically attacking her campaign manager John Podesta and his assistant Robby Mook.  She was sedated after going into a drunken frenzy.

Huma Abedin would make the concession call to the Trump campaign.

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Text © 2017 – ERN

If I Were President Trump…

  There can no longer be any doubt that Barack Obama  and his team are trying to ruin the presidency of Donald J. Trump.  While the leftist media deny and laugh about it, Obama has set up his headquarters in a mansion located two miles from the White House.  Former associates Valerie Jarrett and Eric Holder have moved in with the Obamas.  What do you think they’re doing there?

Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s Iranian connection and Eric Holder, former Attorney General

Obama’s photo with his former classmate is the judge who blocked Pres. Trump’s recent immigration ban.  How’s that for a big F.U?


Obama has meal with judge the day before blocking Trump’s immigration ban.

It has already been proven that the Obama Administration wiretapped Trump Tower prior to the election.  In 1974, this got Pres. Nixon removed from office.  With Obama – no repercussions, no punishment and a silent MSM.

Upon further investigations, it can be assured that Obama-Clinton-Soros are behind the protests and mob violence.  What must be done to stop this attempted left-wing coup?  Pres. Trump must go on the offensive.  Stop playing defense.  Now that he’s the President, he has special powers.  It’s time to unseal Obama’s college records and prove that he was a foreign student.  If Obama is a foreigner, it also follows that he is a foreign agent.  He remains, as Tom Clancy said, “A clear and present danger.”

Show his connections to Bill Ayers and the Weather Underground.  This is what got Andrew Breitbart killed.


To be more direct, if I were Pres. Trump, I would take things much further.  I would make sure Obama knew that he should spend the rest of his life outside of the USA.  There are ways and there people who will make it clear to the foreign born-Kenyan-Commie-homosexual, that he is no longer welcome here.  And that to stay would be a big mistake.  The time for speeches and “tweets” are over.  The time for action is now.

Text © 2017 – ERN

Obama Bugged Trump Tower – The Facts

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June 2016 – The Obama Administration asks a FISA court for permission to secretly monitor and record then Presidential candidate Donald Trump on the grounds of espionage with the Russian government.  This request is denied.

Oct. 2016 – 3rd presidential debate.  Hillary Clinton accuses Donald Trump of colluding with Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin on wiretapping her and the DNC.

Oct. 2016 – The Obama Administration re-words their FISA court request and it is approved.  Trump Tower has been officially bugged by the U.S. government.

Nov. 2016 – Donald Trump is elected as the 45th POTUS.

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Deduction 1.  Pres. Obama and former candidate Clinton must have worked on this strategy together.  This means that a then-current President worked with a presidential candidate to undermine an election.

Deduction 2.  Obama’s weak denial is that he did not “order” the hidden surveillance.  He doesn’t deny knowledge of it.

Deduction 3.  Who ordered the bugging?  It all points to Obama/Clinton.  Wasn’t the purpose of this spying to derail the Trump campaign at the last minute?  Who benefits?  Who would’ve been president?  Whose legacy would have been maintained?  Look for a fall guy to appear; perhaps Att. Gen. Loretta Lynch.

Summation.  Although this reaches Watergate proportions, it probably won’t affect the former President or Clinton.  They are out of power.  The MSM won’t run with it.  Once their scapegoat appears and takes the fall, this story will not be pursued by the media.  What it proves is that the Democrats are hypocrites.  A Democratic administration is now guilty of the same crimes that former Pres. Richard Nixon committed, and the left-wing press doesn’t give a damn.

Text © 2017 – ERN

Obama becomes One Man Wrecking Crew before leaving White House

In Obama’s final days as President, he’s become what writers like me warned about.

  • Provoking Russia into war by placing troops on their borders.
  • Emptying prisons of drug dealers because they’re “black”.
  • Emptying Gitmo because they’re “Muslim”.
  • Dumping more Syrian “refugees” (terrorists) all over the world.
  • Expanding the NSA so that all electronic messages are saved and examined.
  • Allowing tons of uranium be sent to Iran.
  • Removing National Guard protection during Trump’s inauguration.
  • Gov’t land takeover of millions of acres of land for “preservation”.
  • Handing out medals like they’re Halloween candy.
  •   Image result for images, ellen awarded medal

For those people who still support BHO, what does it take for you to realize what he really is?  Does he have to take a flamethrower to the White House before you say something?  Obama will be the first ex-president in one hundred years NOT to leave Washington, D.C. after his term is over.  In other words, every time Pres. Trump does something, anything, our former leader will issue a statement – hold a press conference – to the drooling media.



© 2017 Text -ERN

Black Youths Kidnap, Torture Retarded Man

Image result for four blacks kidnap retarded white man

Chicago, IL.  Jan. 4, 2017.  Live-streamed on Facebook, four blacks tormented a young white man who was mentally-handicapped – taunting him with racist insults and anti-Trump slogans.  He was chocked, cut with a knife, and forced to drink toilet water.  The man was found wandering the streets after two days of abuse.

This is not an opinion.  This is a fact.  This incident would not have occurred without Barack Obama as president.  The four “Lord of the Flies” sub-humans who did the deed are a by-product of Obama’s “look-the-other-way” administration.

When Islamic terrorists kill, “look the other way.”  When “Black Lives Matter” riot, “look the other way.”

If the races were reversed, there would have been utter hysteria from all the black groups and their willing accomplices:  the MSM.

What should be done?  If I had my way, the four individuals responsible would be disciplined to such an extent, they would be afraid to look at another white man again.  What will happen?  They will cry about their “impoverished background” and how “Mommy didn’t love them.”  My guess?  A reduced sentence, a slap on the wrist.

Can you live with that?

Text © 2017 – ERN


Title:  Obama Girls REAL PARENTS Found?  Adopted By Michelle, Or Borrowed?  by the Barry Soetoro channel on YouTube

Title:  White Genocide.  Youtube channel by RebelScumMedia  (originally posted by Reality Calls)

Title:  Donald Trump – MAGA.  YouTube channel RebelScumMedia.  (Originally posted by InfoWars.)

EricReports BANNED by, Facebook and Deathby1000Papercuts

Back in 2010, Pres. Obama (as he celebrated Ramadan with his fellow Muslims), suddenly announced his support for the “Ground-Zero Mosque” (aka “Park51”, aka the “Cordoba House”) – a 13-story Islamic Community Center located two blocks away from where the Twin Towers stood.  I wrote an article about it, titled, “The Demon Obama Endorses the Ground-Zero Mosque”, called Pres. 0 a “son of a bitch” and posted in on the FreeRepublic – – after which I was banned for life.

The only website that would post it was “Deathby1000Papercuts”.  Unfortunately, they took it down when I wrote a subsequent article stating that Obama is gay.

Image result for gay obama

Last year, I wrote a popular article titled, “Did Lady Gaga Steal the Identity of Dead Singer Lina Morgana?” //  which some posted on their Facebook webpage.  Then, it was banned, as was everything else by EricReports.

It should be noted that you, the public, get what you deserve if you support the MSM and let websites like this fade away.

Text © 2017 – ERN


Some random thoughts on 2016…

Election Day 2016: Live News and Updates - NBC NewsDisbelief at Hillary Clinton Headquarters as Trump Wins ...  Election 2016.  Donald Trump squashed Hillary Clinton, the 1970’s  women’s lib throwback who never goes away.  Who can forget election night?  The three hour MSM gap when they refused to call any state for Trump.  The talking-heads left stunned.  HILLARY TURNING CHICKEN, unable to face her audience.  Relish those moments, America.  One of the turning points of the election was when Hillary referred to Trump voters as “a basket of deplorables”, showing her contempt for the common man.

Image result for images, muslim terrorist attack The usual Muslim terrorist attacks.  Brussels, Orlando, French truck attack and more.  Islamic maniacs swarm over Europe, spreading rape and violence everywhere.  Obama imports 10,000 right here to the USA.  Angela Merkel has single-handedly turned Germany into a nightmare.  I pray to God this woman is voted out of office in 2017 and forced to live in a Muslim ghetto.

  Facebook/Twitter use Chinese style censorship rules regarding controversial news and opinions.

  WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange proves the DNC rigged the primary election for Clinton instead of Sanders.  Head of DNC Debbie Wasserman-Schultz forced to resign.

Image result for images, prince Prince dead.

Supreme Court Judge Scalia found dead with a pillow over his face.  No autopsy.

Image result for pizzagate  Pizzagate.  Labeled “fake news” by the MSM.  “Pizzagate” came from leaked emails (courtesy of WikiLeaks) and HRC’s campaign manager John Podesta.  [i.e., a code linked to possible child molestation and sex trafficking.]  The Clintons being indirectly involved.  It is alleged some of this activity occurred at “Comet Ping-Pong Pizza” in Washington, D.C.

Beyonce_Super_Bowl_Screenshot_600_by_400-600x400  Beyoncé Super Bowl Satanism.

See the source image  Social Justice Warriors.  Oh, you precious snowflakes.  What would we do without you?  Your purple-pink hair, your endless selfies, your love of socialism, your hatred of white men, your intolerant tolerance.

Image result for images, lena dunham ugly Lena Dunham.  Stupidest quote of the year:  “I haven’t had an abortion, but I wish I had!”

See the source image  Transgendered bathrooms for those who don’t know which sex they are.

  Robert DeNiro went out of his way to trash Trump, saying he’d like to punch him in the face and called him a “mook”.  Time for him to go to the old actor’s home.

Image result for images, miley cyrus illuminati Celebrities moving to Canada…NOT!

Text © 2016 – ERN

Team Hillary Won’t Admit Defeat

December 19 marks the date the electoral college votes in Donald Trump as President-elect.

Now, that the Jill Stein recounts (funded by Soros-Clinton) have failed, Democrats have moved on to the Russian hacker conspiracy theory.  Without any proof of evidence, Pres. Obama claims that the Russian gov’t (directed by Putin) hacked into DNC computers.  Supposedly, these hackers shared this info with WikiLeaks, swaying the election.  Why is Obama’s claim B.S?

julian-assange-seth-rich-feature One.  WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange has already named SETH RICH as the leaker.  (Murdered on July 10, 2016.)

Two.  Hillary Clinton voters weren’t swayed by Wikileaks.  They had already made up their minds to put a woman, that woman, in the White House.

Three.  Obama won’t show anything that in any way proves his theory.  (Those in the CIA/FBI that agree are doing so only to keep their jobs.)

What we have is a last minute attempt to overthrow an election.  GOP electoral college voters have been threatened with death.  What does that tell you about their opposition?

hqdefault  A group of Hollywood actors (mostly has-beens, some unknowns) are pleading with Republican voters not to vote for Trump.  If so, they will become “heroes” and gain their “respect”.  Why would anyone want respect from a bunch of overpaid, Communist liars?  What is the point of an election, if at the last minute, electoral college voters vote the other way?  What about the will of the people – the American public?

I ask, what if Hillary Clinton had won the election?

Image result for images, hillary violent protesters



And then, what if Donald Trump voters marched the streets, set fires, and attacked people of another skin color?  What if they called for recounts?  What if they claimed hacking from foreign governments?  What if they called Hillary Clinton names on the MSM and made up filthy jokes and vile threats on the Internet?

God…what did America do to deserve Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton?  What terrible sin?  When will Americans turn away from  evildoers who pretend to be good?

Text © 2016 – ERN

Sandy Hook vs. Columbine

Image result for images, sandy hook, false flag

December 14 marks the fourth anniversary of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings.  I’m sure those who watch the MSM news will be bombarded with a lot of anti-gun propaganda.  Before you swallow their bile, I ask that y0u compare it with a real shooting:  Columbine High School – 1999.


Image result for images, columbine school shootingImage result for images, columbine school shooting

There is ample evidence of what happened there.  What about Sandy Hook?

Why did their security cameras go missing?  Where are the crime scene photos?

Why are there so many crisis actors?

Image result for images, sandy hook torn down Why was the school torn down?  (Columbine wasn’t.)

Image result for images, sandy hook, false flag, obama  Why did Pres. Obama give the middle finger when he first spoke about it?

Image result for images, sandy hook, false flag Why are so many family members laughing and smiling?

iu8VV25IS0 Why are two gunmen seen running away into the woods?

See the source image Why are Adam Lanza’s photos digitally-altered to make him appear older and insane?

Image result for images, sandy hook, false flag Why is there a video of police running into the wrong school?

Image result for images, sandy hook, false flag Why is the one photo taken of a small number of kids being evacuated?  Where’s the rest?  (Is this a fire drill photo from the previous year?)

Image result for images, foreign troops seen at sandy hook  Why were foreign troops seen and heard that day?

See the source image

Obama gives his secret middle finger.

Is Newtown a haven for Satanists?  Why is there so much witchcraft in their background?

At the funerals, why were all the children’s faces unseen?

Was this a CIA “black ops” designed to enforce a nationwide gun ban?

Was this, in fact, a test to see how the public would react to a staged event?

2016 marked the year when many eyes were opened to extreme brainwashing techniques of the MSM in order to get Hillary Clinton elected.  The MSM, who oversampled polls and believed their own fake news.  Likewise, they will continue pushing their agenda and defaming those who prove they are liars.

For more information, click link:  //

Photos from,,,,,,,

Text (C) 2016 – ERN


Now that the election is over, Trump voters believe the worst President we’ve had will soon be out the door.  Not so fast.

Call this a conspiracy theory because it is.  Call it hypothetical.  From Nov. 9 – Jan. 19, Donald Trump remains in politician’s limbo.  No real power yet until he’s sworn in as President on Jan. 20.  Now, what if (hypothetically), an assassin killed Trump?  Or his helicopter crashed mysteriously crashed.  What then?

Many assume VP-elect Mike Pence would become President.  But, what if Obama said, “Not so fast.  My legal team tells me that because Trump was not officially sworn in yet, technically he wasn’t President.  If so, Pence isn’t his successor.”  Wouldn’t that mean the obvious?  That Barack Obama remains President?

Many reading this will say this is impossible, unless you consider the shadow government we’re living under.  As I said in my first article, Pres. Kennedy attempted to reveal the powers-that-be before he was assassinated.  If those secret societies were willing to kill Kennedy, why would they stop at Trump?

Hillary Clinton was the globalist’s candidate.  There’s no denying it.  She was pushing for a new cold war with Russia and a continuation of military actions in Syria.  There’s big money with war and a reduction of population:  the NWO agenda.

The first meeting Trump had with Obama was critical and I’m sure secretly recorded.  What Obama (et al) wanted to know:  Would Trump stand in the way of the New World Order’s Beast System?  Would he really discontinue Obamacare, whose end goal is the RFID-chip?

The last anti-NWO President we had was Ronald Reagan who was nearly killed on 3-30-1981 by John Hinckley, Jr.  (The Hinckley’s – friends with the Bush family, then the VP.  All coincidence, right?  Think about it.  What if Reagan had died?)  It was Bush Sr.  who announced America’s NWO speech on Sept.  11, 1991 – ten years exactly before 9/11.

Text © 2016 – ERN

Trump Meets Obama (and I don’t like what I heard)

Image result for images, trump meets obama

Nov. 10, 2016, Washington, D.C., the White House.  President-elect Trump met with current Pres. Obama in what was supposed to be a short meeting.  Instead, it lasted ninety minutes with Trump appearing overwhelmed and unduly awed.  He said that it was a “great honor” to meet the President, that he had “great respect” for him and was “looked forward to dealing with him”, in regards to “council.”  What?!

Some will say this was done to quell the rioting protesters.  Some would ask, “What could he say?  Did you want him to be rude?”  No, but this is not what Trump voters wanted.  This isn’t what we have waited eight years for.  Obviously, Obama schmoozed Trump – that’s what this phony has done his whole life:  ingratiated himself to get ahead.  Did Trump fall for it?  I don’t know.  I hope not.

Apparently, Hillary Clinton will not be indicted for her crimes.  This “gentlemen’s agreement” may have been part of an election deal.  If so, the Clintons should be forced to shut down their crooked foundation that is no charity.  It’s a money-making machine.  Also, it should be made clear that she never run again.  (Notice no mention of those “Russian hackers” trying to ruin our election.  Where’d they go?)

Next time, Trump needs to bring in his staff to handle Obama because BHO cannot be trusted.

Text © 2016 – ERN