On August 5, 2022, Anne Heche’s Mini-Cooper was seen speeding down a residential street, crashing thirty feet into a house. Six days later, Heche was declared “brain-dead”. What doesn’t add up in the official MSM story? These actions can only be described as suicidal, unless we examine what led up to it. Twenty minutes before her death, Ms. Heche bought a wig. This is not what someone who planned on killing themselves would do.
The most damning evidence: a newsman’s helicopter video shows Anne Heche lunging forward from the ambulance gurney – from what appears to be a BODY BAG. (She is unceremoniously pushed back down.) Had she already been declared dead? Or did they want her to be dead?
Firemen state that she was wrapped in thermal blankets. This claims seems disingenuous. Also I find it incredible that it took sixty-five minutes to put out the fire.
Upon crashing into the house, you have two adults – the occupant and a witness who did nothing to get Anne Heche out of the car. Two dogs and a turtle were saved. Think about that. It’s as if they didn’t want to save her.
Cocaine and Fentanyl were found in her system (or so we were told.) Are the drugs a false lead to draw us into the conclusion that she caused her own death?
This car accident mirrors Michael Hasting’s fatal crash (or bombing.) Hastings has previously written an article for “Rolling Stone” which led to the firing of Gen. McChrystal by Pres. Obama. His next article was about the U.S. war in Afghanistan. Hastings was critical of Obama’s policies. Was there a new revelation, an expose that could have revealed why we were there? Hastings car was seen going at top speed, then exploding.
Michael Hastings car exploded then rolled into a palm tree. June 18, 2013.
MSM reports the car crashing into a tree; however, the explosion leads to the logical conclusion of a bomb. (Hastings had been seen earlier looking underneath his car for explosives. He told colleagues not to speak to the FBI without a lawyer and that he was “Going off the radar for awhile.”) Today’s car are controlled by computers, meaning they can be remotely controlled. If Heche meant to kill herself, why the screeching of brakes? What if the car couldn’t stop?
Another painful conclusion – it seems more than likely the hospital pulled the plug on Anne Heche. While they said her twenty year old son was in charge of her health care decisions, this was pure lip service. You’ll recall my article titled: “Your doctor may kill you if…” CLICK LINK
Was Heche’s condition so severe, doctors decided not to go that extra mile and save her life? Was Anne Heche’s final lunge off the stretcher, a last attempt to save her own life?

Anne Heche poses with salon owner Richard Glass minutes before her crash/Heche’s final lunge for life.
Text © 2022 – EricReports