The Real Reason Hillary Clinton is Attacking Tulsi Gabbard. Posted by Kim Iverson on
Tag Archives: Hillary
Biden Out, Hillary In
Despite Trump’s successfully presidency, Dem leaders are doing everything they can to remove him from office. They know they can’t win the 2020 General Election – not with the list of losers they have.
The elephant in the room: Hillary Clinton herself. You know she wants to run again. She has never officially given up on the idea of running again and I believe she will run again, if Trump is impeached in the House of Representatives. (I don’t believe he will be impeached by the Senate.) Assuming this happens, Joe Biden will be forced out as there is already evidence of his “Quid Pro Quo” agreement in the Ukraine, regarding his crooked dealings with his son, Hunter.
I’m also predicting that both Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren will be forced out.
The Great Satan Hillary has never stopped running against Donald Trump. I’ve been saying this since 2017. LINK
What is she waiting for? HRC thinks (as I do) that Pres. Trump will be impeached by the House. (The same as her husband.) Following this, the MSM will go ape-shit, saying “Trump is disgraced, he must step down, blah, blah, blah…”
Hillary is already appearing on talk shows with her message: “Donald Trump is a clear and present danger.” (Stolen from Tom Clancy’s novel.) Nothing has changed about her. She still has that aura of evil.
I must say – the American people will not be fooled. It’s already coming out (on the Internet, not the MSM), that the Russian collusion story originated with her. Likewise, the CIA whistle-blowers who ratted-out Trump are Clinton operatives.
Pres. Trump needs to make his case clear before the people. He must explicitly say there was wrongdoing in the Ukraine by Biden & Son and he must prove it. Fortunately, there is a 2018 video of Joe Biden himself bragging before the CFR about how he the Ukrainian Federal Prosecutor (Viktor Shokin) fired – the man investigating his son energy firm “Burisma”. All in exchange for one billion dollars in gov’t aid.
Additionally, Trump needs to replace Rudy Giuliani as his lawyer and hire the best law firm money will buy. The longer he waits, the worse it gets.
Stop giving out information the enemy can use.
Some of you reading this will call “H” running for president a “conspiracy theory”; that it will still be Biden or Warren. You know what? I hope I’m wrong. But, I’m not. Just as cancer sometimes returns, so does Hillary Clinton.
Text © 2019 – EricReports
Chelsea/Hillary Clinton Stole Haitian Charity Funds to Pay for Wedding
In a Wikileaks- John Podesta email published online, it is revealed that then-future presidential candidate Hillary Clinton used “The Clinton Foundation” as a funnel through which she could steal money for her personal use. The following is a transcript from that email. The important wording is marked in red… (Note: John Podesta was Hillary’s campaign manager.) To: CC:, Date: 2012-01-04 21:45 Subject: Re:
Bill Clinton says, “Hillary has slept with more women than I have!”
Hillary Clinton + Kate Upton = Movie Deal
In 2014, swimsuit model Kate Upton (known mainly for her “Sports Illustrated” covers) appeared as an actress in the film “The Other Woman”.
How’d that happen? Lesbian Hillary made her prurient interests known and bedded Ms. Upton. Pay for play. You pay with your body, then you get to play act in a real movie.
I hope you can get the thought of those two doing it together out of your head.
So, it’s not surprising that Mrs. Clinton waited five whole days to criticize Harvey Weinstein. They both love to do it to beautiful women.
Text © 2017 – ERN
Hillary Clinton’s Secret Torment
On October 26, 1947, Hillary Rodham was born a FEMALE. Let me ask a question. What if she’d been born a male? What would her position in life be? Answer: She has two brothers named “Hugh and Tony”. They are nobodys, known only for their relationship with their sister and President Bill Clinton. Bill, whom she barely tolerates, was her ticket to where she wanted to go. She used feminism for all it was worth as a way to climb her political ladder of success. This doesn’t explain why she is the incredibly unlikable, unpleasant, hard-to-get-along-with, do-it-my-way-or-else failed candidate.
Hillary is the way she is because she was born without a penis. And she can’t get over it.
So, she makes life miserable for those who place her gender in second place. There isn’t much reality in her thinking; however. The psychiatric world is on my side on this issue. Women who aren’t satisfied with their role in life will act out. They are discontent and rage against whatever or whomever is stealing their hap-penis.
Text © 2017 – ERN
Is Hillary Clinton Controlled by the Devil?
If, after running for president for her whole life, Hillary Clinton is elected, it will be because she cheated. She can’t win otherwise. I’ve been to Trump rallies – the excitement is overwhelming. Hillary, on the other hand, has run on a campaign of hatred. No hope or change here. Just pure contempt for Trump. HRC is a propped-up, cardboard cut-out for globalist’s greed.
Because Mrs. Clinton is sick and old, she knows she has a limited amount of time, so expect sweeping changes quickly.
An influx of 1 million Arab-Muslim immigrants. Her purpose is to flood us with people whom she believes will be future Democrats. This people will not assimilate. They will be openly and a destructive force to real Americans.
War. Syria, Russia, Ukraine, Iran, China. Take your pick. Sooner or later, you know it’s going to happen. I think she’d get a kick out of going nuclear.
Internet curtailed. HRC has been very vocal about shutting down the “alt right” and said the Drudge Report and have no reason to exist. To quote her: “Hate speech is not protected by the First Amendment.”
More taxes. Hillary has already promised that everybody must “pay their fair share.” Everybody but people like her, I guess. Every election, Dems think the top 1% will pay and it always falls down to the shrinking middle-class.
“Black Lives Matter” terrorism. With Obama gone, “BLM” will be acting out more, as they will have lost their true leader. More riots will spread, especially to the suburbs. Expect the many Muslim “refugees” to join with them. They will become a formidable force.
More LGBTQ madness. Possibly a Constitutional amendment about “sexual orientation and anti-discrimination law.” (We already have such laws.)
More hatred against “White Male Privilege”, which hasn’t been around since the 1950’s. This won’t stop “social justice warriors” and “snowflakes” from complaining about every conceivable offense.
Increased abortion – taxpayer funded. Talk about “anti-science”. It’s Dems who are anti-science if they say a partial birth abortion isn’t murder. How can Hillary Clinton say a nine-month old fetus has no rights?
MSM goes off the rails. The one good thing about the 2016 Election is that it proved how phony and biased the mainstream media are. Once Hillary is president, they must protect her for the 2020 election. So, the nightmare begins all over again…
Text © 2016 – ERN
Hillary Clinton’s Medical Report Leaked!
EricReports has obtained (from reliable sources) a copy of the health records for Hillary Rodham Clinton. Within this report, it states the following…
Present Complaint: Dizziness, fatigue, mini-seizures, memory loss. Patient is starting to become more depressed and frustrated. She states that she has been experiencing more mini-seizures, causing her to black-out for short periods of time.
Diagnosis: Complex Partial Seizures Medical definition and Subcortical Vascular Dementia. (Medical definition)
Treatment: Anti-coagulants and anti-seizure medication.
Plan: Travel with a medical team. Recommend anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds.
While the mainstream media may avoid or ignore this damning evidence, it’s plain for all who read this that Mrs. Clinton’s health has been compromised – that, in fact, she would fail any serious medical exam.
Hillary the Lesbian
Text Written/Copyright 2014 – Eric Reports News
No doubt in 2015-2016, when Hillary Clinton runs for President, she’ll be portrayed as a loyal wife and mother, besides her political accomplishments as a former Senator and Secretary of State.
Wife + mother = normal heterosexual, right?
Well, there seems to be nothing Hillary won’t do to achieve power and that includes her act at being a woman. This isn’t a condemnation of Mrs. Clinton’s sexual preferences. That’s between her and God. This is a reality check.
Eric Reports is not going to allow the mainstream media to put on a fake two-year show of Hillary being “Super-Woman”, i.e., a straight wife, mother, and grandmother. No way.