The Hazards of Writing


A few days after writing “Aaliyah Illuminati Sacrifice”,  //, I was poisoned.   A few days after writing “Did Lady Gaga Steal the Identity of Dead Singer Lina Morgana?”  // some even worse things happened that I won’t get into.  So despite the fact that the Illuminati isn’t such a secret society anymore, there are still some things they don’t want you to know.  No doubt my phone is bugged and I’ve seen people near where I live that don’t belong.

What does this all mean?  The world is being controlled by the less than 1% who are Luciferians and/or Satanists.  The Bible itself states that Satan controls the world.  In Matthew 4:8-9 Jesus was tempted by the devil…

  “Again, the devil took him (Jesus) up into an exceeding high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And said to him, ‘All these things I will give to you, if you will fall down and worship me.'”

How could the devil give this to Jesus if he did not own it?

Currently, we are seeing America going through a lot of changes – all bad.  As the Bible also illustrates, in those end times, evildoers will think they are doing good by hurting people who are good.

It is not by accident that you are reading this.  True, there are websites more famous, but are they writing the truth?  How far are they willing to go to say it?  The chosen know what I’m saying is true.  God will keep me alive as long as I’m needed here.

Text © 2016 – ERN

Curse of Rosemary’s Baby

Rosemarys_baby_posterWho runs the world?  What if you were told there were a coalition of Satanists, behind the scenes, masquerading as our benevolent caretakers.  Would you believe me?

Back in 1968, Paramount released “Rosemary’s Baby” (based on Ira Levin’s novel), directed by then up-and-coming film director Roman Polanski.  The movie would become a phenomenal hit, the title a catchphrase everyone understood.  Some forty-eight years later, it’s still viewed with morbid fascination.

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The Dakota Building aka “The Bramford”

Director Roman Polanski claims he doesn’t believe in the devil, yet the opening and closing sequences are shot from the devil’s point-of-view as he hovers over Manhattan.

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His wife Sharon Tate was cast as an extra in the party scene.  She was murdered while pregnant on August 9, 1969.

 The mysterious apartment building known as “the Bramford” is really “the Dakota” where John Lennon was shot to death on Dec. 8, 1980.  (Dec. 9th in Liverpool – #9.)

Book connections:  “All of Them Witches” isn’t a real book, but is used as a device to warn Rosemary.  The movie is meant to take place in 1966.  In 1999, Polanski would direct another Satanic film titled “The Ninth Gate”, about a book that is able to bring forth the devil.  1933 – 1966 – 1999.  33 degrees.

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Tony Curtis (who appeared with Tate in “Don’t Make Waves” a year earlier) does a voice-over as Donald Baumgart, an actor who goes blind from a witch’s curse.

Krzysztof Komeda vol.14.jpg  Composer Krzysztof Komeda who wrote the eerie score died a year later from a brain injury.

    Robert Redford lost the role of Guy Woodhouse due to legal reasons.  John Cassavetes was cast instead.

  Mia-Farrow-Rosemary's-Baby-1968 (4) Tuesday Weld lost the role of Rosemary Woodhouse because Paramount preferred Mia Farrow.

Image result for mia farrow, frank sinatra  Frank Sinatra divorced Mia Farrow because she refused to quit the film, so she could appear with him in “The Detective” (1968.)  She was replaced by Lee Remick.

Image result for ruth gordon Ruth Warrick was the only major Oscar winner (Best Supporting Actress.)

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Roman Polanski would go on to even greater fame for “Macbeth”, “Chinatown”, “The Tenant”, “Tess” and “The Pianist”.  (Academy Award winner for Best Director – 2002.)  He is forced to live in France because of his 1977 arrest for unlawful sexual relations with a minor.

The novel and movie alludes to a network or witches living in New York.  In the finale, the baby Adrian “the antichrist” is visited by devil-worshippers from all over the world.  The baby itself isn’t shown and his mother Rosemary seems ambivalent.  Today, he would be of age.

The mainstream media will never acknowledge the Luciferian agenda:  a New World Order born from the United Nations, i.e., a world dictatorship.

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Text (C) 2016 – ERN