The elitist-white-liberals have another cause to add to their lengthy to-do list on how to save the world. It’s called “cultural appropriation”, i.e., when the wrong race (usually white) takes another cultural identity, using it for their own purposes.
Examples are: When the wrong (offending) race wears the wrong clothing, eats their food, uses their slang, listens or imitates their music. (What the left deems unworthy of them.)
My question is: What happens when other races misappropriate white folks identities? Answer: Nothing.

Above photos: A shocking example of cultural appropriation. Obama as his real Muslim self and then Obama stealing his new identity.
I am offended when non-Republicans use the Internet, created by Nixon’s Defense Department in 1969. That is why I am asking all of you who don’t agree with me to stop using your computers and Smart phones. You are misappropriating my identity.
Text (C) 2019 – EricReports