Dawn Wells, best known for her role as Mary Ann on Gilligan’s Island, died Wednesday from complications of Covid-19. She was 82.
On Christmas Day, Nashville bomber Anthony Quinn exploded his motor home after playing a warming message, followed by the song “Downtown”, made famous by singer Petula Clark, who issued this statement: “I feel the need to express my shock and disbelief at the Christmas Day explosion in our beloved Music City. I love Nashville and its people. Why this violent act, leaving behind such devastation? I was told that the music in the background of that strange announcement was me singing “Downtown”! Of all the thousands of songs, why this one? Of course, the opening lyric is “When you’re alone and life is making you lonely, you can always go downtown.” But millions of people all over the world have been uplifted by this joyful song. Perhaps, you can read something into these words, depending on your state of mind. It’s possible”.
The USA and President Trump have a choice. In the near future, it will be decided as to whether Americans will be forced to accept a stolen election… OR will the President turn it over to the military? THE INSURRECTION ACT. MARTIAL LAW.
I can tell you this. The Supreme Court (based on their previous refusal to hear the Texas case) will do the same for the latest Pennsylvania lawsuit. They don’t want to be accused of giving Trump the presidency. If so, what is SCOTUS purpose? If a case deciding who runs our country isn’t important enough, what is?
Assuming all else fails, will the President declare Martial Law and then accuse the Democrats of insurrection? If that happens, expect all hell to break loose.
We know now that Antifa and the BLM are the Democrats “brown shirts”. We were shown what they can do from the end of May to the beginning of November.
Trump knows this.
On the other hand, if President Trump accepts the results of the election and Biden becomes president, there will never be another free election again. What do you think Kamala Harris will do once she replaces Biden? (The plan all along. )
The GOP will become powerless. Whatever election happens in the future will be rigged. The 2020 General Election was stolen in an obscene, in-your-face display of arrogance. They didn’t care who saw it or what the eyewittnesses said. Because they knew the MSM would cover for them. They already had a word for it: “baseless”.
Americans, it must be made known to the President that regardless of the cost (including blood), we cannot lose our country. And we are rapidly losing it.
Those saying there’ll be a “2024 comeback” don’t know what they’re talking about. In four years, we’ll be flooded with so many immigrants, the Republican Party will be overrun.
A 1-Party system. A Socialist state. And your vote counts for nothing. Only President Trump can save us from this disastrous outcome.
Text (c) 2020 – EricReports
Since President Trump took office, the mainstream media has done their worst in outright ignoring our First Lady, Melania Trump.
If, during the last four years you’ve looked at the newsstands, you’ll notice her absence. For whatever insane reasons, they’re still running old covers of the Obamas.
Likewise, television has stayed far away from her unless it’s to say something nasty (e.g., making fun of her accent, implying their marriage is on the rocks, etc.)
This is the polar opposite of Michelle Obama, who they tried to shape into a glamour queen. (Ha-ha.) The big M.O. would have none of it, preferring to remain the angry black woman who wasn’t proud of her country until they nominated her husband as president.
Since the 2020 election, the MSM has already christened the supposed new First Lady-elect as DOCTOR Jill Biden. As it turns out, they should’ve looked before they leaped. Her “doctor” status was obtained through college and would be given to anyone who could pay the tuition. DOCTOR Jill Biden is turning out to be more of Creepy Joe’s keeper, answering hard questions for him.
Assuming the Biden’s take (steal) the White House, she will be built up as “brilliant” and as a “return to the normal”.
Back in 2016, many of us thought Melania Trump would become a star. But, like her husband, she was diminished, ridiculed and insulted. Finally, they pretended she wasn’t there.
Text (C) 2020 – EricReports
Attorney General William “Bill” Barr resigned amidst rumors that he was fired by President Trump. Barr failed to deliver a proper investigation into General Election voter fraud and withheld evidence on Pres-elect Joe Biden’s son Hunter, alleged to be a “bag man” in foreign money bribes and payoffs.
Text © 2020 -ERN
Heavenly Father,
We pray for the defeat of the evildoers.
Our nation is in a spiritual battle.
Good versus evil.
I pray the spirits of evil be bound and forced back into the pit of Hell.
Satan’s forces are powerful. They have taken control of the media and the Democratic Party. But you are more powerful. If it be your will, restore the presidency to Donald Trump. He is bringing peace to Israel and the Middle East, unlike others who want war.
We pray this in your Son’s Holy Name, Amen.
Despite conclusive evidence of voter fraud in the six swing states where Biden “won”, President Trump’s efforts to overturn the election have failed so far. Call it the SWAMP or the deep-state establishment. The Democrats simply decided they weren’t going to have another 2016 loss and they have stolen the election. The MSM knows it and they’re covering up for them.
What’s next if Trump loses?
Republicans must retain control of the Senate. Without this, we’ll be living in an a Democrat-run Socialist nightmare.
Not to be a wet blanket, but let’s face reality. Trump, if he runs again in 2024, won’t be allowed to win. More than likely, it would be a Ted Cruz-Marco Rubio ticket. The new Pres. Kamala Harris will cry “sexist-racist” every five seconds. You know how this turns out.
Sorry America. GAME OVER.
Text © 2020 – EricReports
Trump’s last chance will be the Supreme Court. Will the President be successful in overturning an election?
Stepping back, now that a month has passed since Nov. 3rd, what do we have? The Democratic Party has made a fateful decision – to steal the White House. We can see that now. The evidence has been made clear. They are also trying to steal Senate control. And if Biden is inaugurated – pack the Supreme Court. If this isn’t a coup d’etat, what is it?
The MSM is faking it, pretending nothing is wrong, calling Trump’s charges “baseless” over and over again.
This week Biden (with Kamala Harris at his side) said that if there was a moral disagreement between them, he would fake an illness and step down. Quote: “If I reach something where there’s a fundamental disagreement we have based on a moral principle, I’ll develop some disease and say I have to resign.” There you have it. He’s admitting he’s nothing more than a frontman.
I realize there are folks out there who don’t have time to see what the news is really about, beyond what they see on TV.
Let me say one thing and remember it: if Biden-Harris become President, we’ve lost America. Nothing will be the same again. Once they take power, (and they will eventually admit to the steal and say “What are you going to do about it?”), there’s no turning back. Outside a civil war, (which won’t be allowed to happen), the U.S. will become a forgotten dream.
Blind Democrats think this is about politics. It’s about much more. It’s about destroying democracy – and those who think they advocate it – have obliterated it.
If you think Joe Biden is more popular than Barack Obama, by receiving more votes than any other presidential candidate in U.S. history, then, my friend, you are living in another universe. Biden is pure Styrofoam, blank and empty as his unfocused gaze.
Text © 2020 – EricReports