TRUMP 2024

President Donald J. Trump formally announced his candidacy for the Presidency of the United States.  If successful, Trump will be the second president to serve two non-consecutive terms.  (The other was Grover Cleveland.)

“America’s comeback starts right now. I am your voice. We will not be intimidated.”

What does this mean for Democrats – – those sick-minded, filthy, perverted deviants running our country, right now?  Your days are numbered.  You’ve lost the House of Representative.  Nancy Pelosi is finished.  And Pres. Trump is only two years away.

The mass media has thrown a wet blanket over the 2022 midterms, but there’s one thing they can’t change.   We no longer have one-party rule.  So FUCK YOU, DEVILCRATS!  ROT IN HELL!

Knowing the MSM and what they do, they’ll try, at first, to ignore Trump.  Then, ridicule.  Yes, SNL will excavate murderer Alec Baldwin, they’ll dig him out of moth balls for his lousy Trump impersonation.  Dems can pull whatever they want out of their ass.  None of it will work because the American people are on to them.  They’re common thieves.  Grifters.

Anybody remember the promise of gov’t checks arriving every month for the poor and needy?  What happened to that forgotten promise?  It’s the same thing every four years.  Unkept promises, then tax and spend.  That’s all they know.

As Trump said, our recovery was fragile.  And in two short years, Biden and the leftist scum have squandered America’s treasure.  Other countries no longer believe us.  And young people have lost faith.

I don’t know who’s running against Trump in 2024, but I hope and pray to God, it’s Joe Biden.  I don’t care how many drugs “Dr. Jill” has to inject into him to wake him up, I want to see them debate.  That’ll be one for the ages.  (Text © 2022 – ERN)

’22 Election Ripoff

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Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire and Georgia.  These 2022’s swing states all went to the Democrats, except for Georgia, which must have a run-off.  Does all of this sound familiar?  It should.  It happened two years ago.

The MSM/DNC said the failed red wave was due to the abortion issue and Trump (MAGA) backlash…the Dems “overperformed” and the GOP “underperformed”…and the moon was in your Uranus.

Tell me something.  Why do we still have “mail-in” drop boxes ala 2020’s so-called Covid crisis?  Why is ballot harvesting still allowed?  What is to prevent an organization to print-up counterfeit ballots and then dump them in these UNATTENDED BOXES?  If you voted in person, you may have been asked to show your voter’s registration card, or give some sort of proof of voter identification.  You are also forbidden to vote more than once.  Where is the security in voter dumps and drop-off points?

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The DNC is a criminal organization .  In 2020, aided by China’s biological warfare (Covid-19), they took back power illegally with their “mail-in” ballots.  And if it worked in 2020, why not 2022?  And 2024?

2021-2022 has been a disaster for America.  Out of control inflation, gas prices tripled, diesel fuel running out, World War III threatened by the Russians, a lost war in Afghanistan and a delusional President who gets lost walking around on the White House lawn.  Simply stated, the Democrats stole the last two elections by loading boxes with fake votes.

Pundits claim “Republicans vote on election day”, “Democrats votes thru the mail.”  B.S.  How would they know?  Pseudo-info pulled out of their ass.

The new Socialist left have found a way to rip-off our elections and it will continue indefinitely until we have another January 6th that should last as long as the 2020 riots did.

Text © 2022 – EricReports

Gray State – A Movie to Die For

January 2016.  Aspiring filmmaker David Crowley, his wife Komel and five year old daughter Raniya are found dead in their Minnesota home.  The words “Allahu Akbar” are written on the wall in Komel’s blood.  (Allahu Akbar is Arabic for “Our God is the greatest”, meaning also “Our God is better than your God.”)  A Koran and notebook were laid open to the phrase – “Submit to Allah”.

“Gray State” (trailer above) was a proposed film about a future One World Government.  This New World Order becomes a dictatorship where all personal freedom is lost.  Citizens are branded with a triangular-shaped chip.  Director/writer/producer Crowley maintained:  “We’re already in a police state.”  The gray state was the next phase.

Coincidently, David was also a former Iraq/Afghanistan war veteran.  His wife was Pakistani.

The Michael Entertainment Group showed interest in expanding the video into a thirty million dollar theatrical film.

Whether David Crowley was on the verge of success or just another wannabe filmmaker remains to be seen.  What doesn’t add up is this…

Due to circumstantial evidence police concluded that David Crowley went insane and killed his family.  The investigation lasted one year; however, this murder/suicide scenario came to fruition in the first 24 hours.  The news media walked in lockstep with the police.

A .40 caliber gun was used, yet the neighbors heard no gunshot.  Was a silencer used and if so, was this a professional hit?

The biggest question:  Why was “Allahu Akbar” written in blood on the wall?  Crowley was not a Muslim.

Is the obvious being overlooked?

Eventually, “Gray State” was completed as a documentary retitled “Gray State:  The Rise” and is on Vimeo.

Text © 2022 – EricReports

Illuminati’s “Domino Principle” – Predictive Programming-Video

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“The Domino Principle” (1977) is a theatrical film starring Gene Hackman as Roy Tucker, a prisoner released by authorities and recruited to be an assassin.

It’s a known fact the FBI and the CIA use men from prison with nothing to lose for their covert mission (“Wetwork” if you will.)  These trained killers are promised release in exchange for whatever it is the gov’t wants them to do.

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Roy Tucker’s mission:  to shoot and kill an unnamed man from a helicopter.  Who is this man?  The movie gives several clues.  The California flag flies outside the estate of the intended victim.  And Tucker was previously imprisoned for killing a man named “Riggen”.  Back in ’77, a few film critics criticized the movie for hinting that the intended victim of this assassination plot was probably the Governor of California.  (Reagan was the governor from 1967 – 1975, but the film was made in ’76, just one year after.)

Four years after the release of “The Domino Principle” Pres. Ronald Reagan (former Governor of California) was shot and nearly killed by John Hinkley Jr.  The Hinkley family happened to be friends with the Bush clan (known members of the Brotherhood), but let’s not talk about that.

At the time of its release, “The Domino Principle” received bad reviews, especially because the storyline wouldn’t name who the mysterious “they” were.  Mickey Rooney’s character “Spiventa” (who is in on it), knows who “they” are.  They’re involved with finance, with control, with making things happen.

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It’s not surprising the MSM would attack such a film.  Truthtellers are often ridiculed.  Besides, the MSM is mostly controlled by the one-eyed monster.

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Director Stanley Kramer knew well enough not to name “them”.  Those who do (Stanley Kubrick of “Eyes Wide Shut”) died before its release, allowing Warner Bros. to edit the final cut.

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Text ©2022 -ERN

Midterms 2022

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Voting Drop Box – What could go wrong?

The 2022 Midterm election resulted in a split between Republicans and Democrats with many races too close to call.  As of now, the Senate is divided 48 to 48 with Nevada and Georgia hanging in the balance.  House of Representatives:  203 for Republicans, 187 for Democrats, with the votes still being counted.

Red wave?  The MSM predictably predicted a red wave so they could make a big deal out of it if it didn’t happen.  2021 to 2024 is the Biden era, one of inflation, high crime, no border protection and a lost war.  There is nothing the Republicans could do in two years to turn this mess around.

Pundits admitted that maybe it wasn’t a good idea for Dems (esp. Biden) to call the Republican Party “fascists”, to ignore inflation and push abortion as a “good thing”.

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John Fetterman (Uncle Fester)

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It’s no surprise cheating has been reported – the worst being in Pennsylvania with John Fetterman winning over Dr. Mehmet Oz.  Arizona is suspect – the governor’s race currently led by Katie Hobbs vs. Rep. Kari Lake.  Nevada’s election count will continue until Saturday giving Devilcrats plenty of time to cheat.

Text (C) 2022 – ERN