In a rambling, disjointed statement Pres. Biden announced what he would do to those who wouldn’t go along with any new type of gun control ban or anyone who would dare do what was done on January 6th. Biden statement is in bold italics.
“The Second Amendment from the day it was passed, limited the type of people who could own a gun and what type of weapon you could own. You couldn’t buy a cannon.”
“The blood of the patriots, y’know, all this stuff about how we’re gonna have to move against the government. The tree of liberty is not the blood of the patriots. What’s happened is that there never has been, if you want, if you think you need weapons to take on the government, you need F-15’s and maybe some nuclear weapons.”
“The point is, there’s always been a limit to the type of weapon that can be owned and who can own it.”
To decipher what Biden is saying: He’s relying on those who don’t know what the 2nd Amendment means. He mentions a cannon, an obvious comparison to future bans on all “assault weapons”, then later handguns.
The second paragraph – the worst – is where he ridicules “patriots” that is, those who were there at the Jan. 6 march on Washington, D.C. – those who think the election was stolen. He is saying if there’s an attempt to overthrow a corrupt government, he’ll use the military and destroy any and all who are part of it.
Paragraph 3. Biden repeats the future plans of the radical left: only allow a certain type of person, a certain kind of firearm.
The Democrats intend to create a blacklist of those who cannot own a gun and you can be sure the radical left isn’t on it.
The MSM, in reaction to the negative response to the President’s words, said that Biden didn’t mean to say he would kill anyone who protests against this new corrupt regime. THEN WHY DID HE SAY IT?
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