Satanist Beyoncé Does it Again at the Super Bowl

Santa Clara, CA.  The 50th Super Bowl.  Demonic messages, both subliminal and in-your-face, are a yearly broadcast event meant to brainwash a complacent public into the Illuminati’s hypnotic trance.  Beyoncé, who many see as a twerking feminist role model, has duped her fans; fooling them all into believing an illusion.  In reality, she is a devil-worshipper and is going straight to Hell.  “Bey” believes she will rule down there, but there are no rulers – just spirits in tormented agony.  While “Yonce” may continue to strut her aging rump, the days of the devil’s rule here on Earth are numbered.

Obama with Baphomet horns

Beyoncé’s alter-ego, “Sasha Fierce” in Baphomet/Satan dress

Both her and our foreign-born Muslim president will eventually spend eternity with Satan and his fallen angels.  May they rot forever.   Text Copyright 2016 – EricReports

Beyoncé – Queen of Evil – Mistress of Damnation

Beyoncé’s crew – Black Panther salute


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