While the MSM runs gossip stories about Donald Trump, they’re ignoring an encroaching war between the United States and Russia. The Russian gov’t has already instructed their people in which shelter to take in the event of a nuclear attack.
Regardless of whatever is said, currently the U.S. is backing ISIS attempts to remove Syria’s leader Assad. With ISIS failing, Obama is threatening to step with military force. Hillary Clinton wants to establish a “no fly zone” for Russia. These insane steps spell disaster for us and the Middle East.
Donald Trump has promised to work with Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin and destroy ISIS. Obama-Clinton are doing the exact opposite. With the election near, it’s anybody’s guess what could happen. Even if Trump wins, Obama could start WWIII in the interim. So much for his 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.
I realize conspiracy theorists have been predicting war with Russia since the 1940’s, but this time there’s too much validity to the rumors. Who could have predicted America would elect a president that hates his own country? Maybe he wants to leave us in heap of smoldering ruins.
Never before has the mainstream media done a worse job in reporting the news. 2016 has been one long informercial for the election of Hillary Clinton: the most corrupt, ugly and fraudulent candidate in the history of American politics.
Obama sneers at Putin because Putin knows what Obama is: an Oreo full of toxic waste. (Text © 2016 – ERN)