America’s Done.

Image result for mueller investigate trump comey impeachment

Robert Mueller (left) Special Prosecutor hired by DOJ to investigate Trump-Russia election connection. Occurs nine days after Trump fires FBI director James Comey (middle.)

When ANTIFA marched against Trump committing acts of violence and the President did nothing about it, I knew we were in trouble.

Initially, Trump had the power to do anything and that includes rolling out the tanks.  Once his enemies saw that he was weak, once they heard Trump say the Clintons were “nice people” and that he’d “accept Obama’s council”, it was over.

The left continue to push back and the right sit there and take it.  I WARNED YOU THIS WOULD HAPPEN.  I SAID THE STREETS SHOULD BE COVERED IN BLOOD.

Now, the MSM gets to talk about impeachment for the next three years.  They have no interest in finding the truth.  They hate the truth.

Trump should’ve had Obama and Clinton on the run, hiding in a foreign country.  Instead, they’re on TV, laughing at him.

Whether Trump is impeached or not, his agenda has been derailed.  If you, the Trump voter had any guts, you’d be swarming all over Washington, D.C.  You’d put fear in the hearts of Democrats.  But, like 1974, you’ll wear sad faces, sit home and watch television.  You will see a gradual takeover of our land by the usual suspects:  Socialists, Communists, anarchists, Muslims.  And you will see “Let’s Make America Great Again” die its painful death.

Text © 2017 – ERN

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