Hillary’s Secret Plan to Run Again?

trick Trump isn't using: How Hillary's campaign is (almost certainly ...

FACT:  The “Russia hacked the election” fake news story began with Hillary Clinton – Debate 3. Oct. 19, 2016.  HRC quote “The Russian government has engaged in espionage against Americans…to influence the election.”  She said it came from the “highest levels, from Vladimir Putin” and continued by saying:  “I actually think the most important question of the evening is, finally, will Donald Trump admit that the Russians are doing this and that he rejects Russian espionage?”   (This is in reference to both her and her campaign manager John “Pizzagate” Podesta being hacked.)

There you have the original source of where the “Russia hacked the election” came from.  HRC herself.

Since losing the election, HRC, the failed candidate, has not “Gone gently into that good night.”  She has promoted the idea that Donald Trump stole the election.

FACT:  Many MSM reporters are on the Clinton payroll.  They were contributors to her campaign and are still ardent supporters.

We have a daily onslaught of bogus news reports on Pres. Trump’s “ties to Russia” and “secret Russian deals.”  On June 2017,  three CNN reporters were fired for a fake news report on Russia contributing money to Trump enterprises.  Their names are Thomas Frank, Eric Lichtblau and Lex Haris.

FACT:  At least once a week, HRC pops up on some program, trashing Trump, saying she hopes he’s impeached like Nixon.  (Nixon wasn’t impeached, he resigned.  Bill Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives.)  She should know, “H” was fired from the Watergate investigating committee for trying to steal Nixon’s papers.

Where is all this going?  HRC doesn’t do something for nothing.  She would not be hauling around her old, fat ass all over the country, dumping on Trump without a reason.

FACT:  Hillary Clinton did not run against Bush in 2004 or Obama in 2012, because she thought she’d lose.  It’s difficult to win against an incumbent president.  Therefore, wouldn’t it be to her advantage to run against Mike Pence in 2020?  In other words, do what the Dems did to Nixon in 1973-1974.  Destroy him politically, then run against a “caretaker” president.  It worked for Carter.

Even Democrats admit HRC has a mania to be president.  She can’t let go of it.

Playing devil’s advocate, let’s assume Dems take the House and Senate in 2018.  Let’s assume the MSM beats the “impeach Trump” drum, day in and day out, as they did for Nixon.  Let’s assume the Dems concoct a plan to force Trump out.  (As they already tried to do with Comey-Flynn.)  A jubilant Hillary is there to say, “I told you so!”  Thus, begin her 2020 conquest to get what she thinks is rightfully hers.

HRC realizes time is running out.  In her seventies and in questionable health; for her, the only chance she has to be president is to remove Trump.

Text © 2017 – ERN

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