Many have forgotten who the favorites were during the Democratic primaries. Back then, it wasn’t Biden or Harris. What the hell happened?
Sen. Bernie Sanders, at the top of the polls was edged out and cheated by Mayor Pete Buttigieg (similar to 2016.)
In third place, Sen. Elizabeth Warren was considered a favorite to be the VP nominee.
Dark horse Amy Klobachar had the Hillary Clinton vote.
And in a distant FIFTH PLACE was former VP Joe Biden whom the MSM called old and washed-up. He couldn’t gain momentum, elicit excitement or gather large crowds.
Suddenly, right before Super Tuesday, Buttigieg and Klobachar quit, casting their support for Biden who unexpectedly wins big time.
Note: Sen. Kamala Harris, once a favorite, had fallen into disfavor after debating Rep. Tulsi Gabbard.
And then, the Coronavirus…
And then, George Floyd…
Our way of life is turned upside down. Businesses are shutdown- never to reopen. Unemployment skyrockets. The economy is ruined.
Antifa and the BLM take to the streets – looting, burning, pillaging, killing- and the blue state mayors and governors refuse to stop it. Trump seems powerless.
Biden announces his VP candidate must be a “woman of color”. Suddenly, Kamala Harris is back again like the proverbial bad penny that won’t go away. She is chosen as his running mate.
THE FACTS. Obviously, it was decided early by the DNC that their future presidential candidate would be Kamala Harris. But how?
Pick an easy to manipulate “safe” candidate who can be forced to choose her later, i.e., Joe Biden.
Assuming Biden is elected, how long do you think he will last? In the beginning stages of Alzheimers disease, Joe is being kept in his basement, only to come out in heavily controlled events. He is made to read everything from a Teleprompter. The MSM simply ignores the truth. Joe Biden is a zombie candidate – an empty Trojan Horse with Kamala Harris waiting inside.
In a recent poll, 59% of the people said Biden wouldn’t be able to finish his first term.
Let’s get real. Biden, in his condition won’t last a year before the controllers push him out in favor of who they wanted all along. Kamala Harris: authoritarian, NWO, globalist, Beast system.
Text (C) 2020 – ERN